A petition to get Beowulf to season 2.
Please sign
A petition to get Beowulf to season 2.
Please sign
shareThat will get 10 signatures then.
One from each ITV viewer that lasted the course.
It's that man again!!
Woohoo, so thats 5 of us! LOL
shareSorry kids. On the Series Finale page it says the show hasn't been canceled, that it is ongoing. Sorry to disappoint.
shareI have signed anyway but good to know that the series has not been cancelled.
"Look upward... and share the wonders I have seen" John Crichton, Farscape
It's been officially cancelled by ITV, it won't appear again. Monumental waste of money.
Suburban Robot That Monitors Reality
Yes, the show can be confusing... but I do like the actors and fantasy aspect of it. I would like to see how the marriage works out and how Slean' s development evolves.
It's been canceled.
I have watched 8 episodes, but cannot even remember what it was about. Characters were just too plain and I didn't get attached anything in this series.
Shannara and Shadowhunters were also bad, but they had pretty girls and handsome boys and teen followers which seemed to like them.
The expanse was also dull, but it had followers and most of my friends who liked Battlestar Galactica, also liked expanse.
Some series have been critical success, devoted fans in here IMDB, but they get cancelled for some reasons (new executive, writers strike, production costs, wrong time slot, they're put against hit series and don't gain audience or is taped for later viewing etc)
This was just too forgettable and had to compete against better series.
Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies, Awake, Almost Human, Forever (and several others) were good series, but didn't gain followers when they aired but were/are great series.