Child Actors

I thought the first part of the movie was pretty compelling and then it turned kind of meh... but I was really impressed by the children's acting in this film. I feel like most of the time in movies kids are either ridiculously dumbed down or extremely precocious, and either way very obviously coached. These kids seemed really natural with their line delivery and movement, like they weren't acting at all. I would be curious to know how they were directed. The younger two remind me a lot of some kids I babysit.


I loved the children's acting!

My opinion does not really matter.


I don't think they were "acting" a such, especially not the four year old. They seemed to be just being themselves.

The eleven year old was acting though.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


"Look who's here! šŸ» Wipe away those tears! There's the Sally I know. It's movie time!"


The little ones did good but when this part came up, I asked myself "Is that his real sister?"


Totally agree.


I read your post until I came to 'meh' whereupon I judged it to be unworthy of further attention. 'Meh' is not only trite in the most shallow way imaginable, it is a perverse and wasted figment of communication. It became outdated thirty seven seconds after it was first coined as a modish phrase but that is not the worst problem here. The failure lies within the ugliness and thoughtlessness of it's usage. Note that I wrote 'failure' and not 'fail'.

The words behind the words, the thoughts behind the thoughts.

There might have been a point to your post but you failed to reach me with it. I failed to recieve it. There's a tragedy there.

Language is a precious achievement. Please do not ruin our ability to speak to one another by using terms that make the more sensitive amongst us feel ill.


My good sir or madam,

Please accept my humblest and sincerest apologies for having the audacity - nay - the impudence to intrude upon your most refined sensibilities with my vulgar and inexcusable use of a shamefully passƩ expression common amongst today's (or yesterday's, if you'd rather) unsophisticated youth.

It is absolutely untenable of me to forget that the English language has not evolved or changed in the slightest since its earliest inception; that its purity is incorruptible and will never be swayed or altered by the passage of time, by the changing of social mores, or the invention of new technology. Alas, what a disservice I have done to our fore-bearers by sullying their pristine lexicon with my imbecilic drivel! Such greatness as William Shakespeare would be left aghast to think that anyone could be so boorish as to besmirch the English language with new vocabulary to represent a commonly shared emotion or reaction!

I beseech your forgiveness for my gravest error and pray you never encounter another written passage so lowly and appalling as mine on the world wide web. If anything, I pray you find comfort in the fact that the majority of users of the internet are vastly more enlightened and literate than I. I shall now do penance for my literary sins, I only hope that self-flagellation proves sufficient punishment for my barbarity.


Oh, how I wish he responded to your reply. :)



Damn, that was SAVAGE! ??


I put two emojis for clapping and it was changed to question marks, just so ya know. Now I feel like a schmuck.


If I may add, there is no need to change your original wording to spare my feelings as there is no question that you are vastly more enlightened than I! I should only hope to one day aspire to obtain a fraction of your verbal greatness!


ALSO I would be remiss not to mention the absolute deliciousness of this irony:

"The failure lies within the ugliness and thoughtlessness of it's usage."



Pugs, BRAVO!!! ???

Definitely one of the most entertaining posts I have ever read on this site. Well played indeed!!


Much, much better. No, more than just better, those posts were bordering on greatness. Much of what you say is misguided but you say it in such an elegant way, it ceases to matter.

A sense of pride is gathering within me for helping to unlock your obvious talent but really, it's you who should feel proud. I on the other hand should avoid the clammy embrace of vanity.

Why write 'meh' when you can come up with material like that? If you've got it, don't hide it just to fit in brother. That's how language starts to degenerate (not evolve) to the point where we won't be able to prevent the slide. Do you want people to end up being unable to communicate in anything other than gutteral moans and piping squeals?

Thank you for pointing out my enormity by the way. I admit, I struggle with that apostrophe.




Ha Ha


Good God Gulag, lighten up or GTFO of the IMDB universe. This is a message board for discussing movies, not nitpicking someone's observations on said movie. Your incorrect usage of the spelling of "it's" is all we need to know about you and your false pretense of "literary enlightenment."

ATTN: Please check out 4chan for the most intelligent conversations on cinema, TV, & thespians!


I am lightened up. How can you miss my frivolity?

You are right about it being a board for discussing movies but wrong about it being no place for criticising another's observations. It is an adequate platform for it at least

Everyone should be allowed to make mistakes with punctuation or spelling, sometimes that field of expression is just an elitist trap anyway. What is important is the ability to create the right atmosphere and an esoteric sensory experience.

Unless you are being sarcastic, your statement "Please check out 4chan for the most intelligent conversations on cinema, TV, & thespians!" betrays more about you than should feel comfortable. It is poor advice.

Please don't write 'GTFO' by the way. It's as unforgivable to use such crass acronyms as it is to employ modish slang. Next you'll be referring to me as a 'snowflake'. I beg you not to.

'Gulag' though, that was good, I like that. A witty and rather pungent refurbishment.

Do you see what is happening here? Everyone is starting to up their game (if I'm forced to meet you halfway) and there's the possibility you'll all be standing on your desks, saluting, before this is over. Superb stuff lads.


Plz GTFO you Gulag.


Iā€™m a mother and taught for over 18yrs. The kids were playing not acting. I love when directors let kids just be themselves.
