Saw this yesterday afternoon..
Very good, somewhat like the Guess Who original and remake but by a different studio (20th Century Fox) and a different gimmick (instead of WHITE marries BLKACK or vice versa, a middle class nice girl marrying a tattooed billionaire, itself sort of a contradiciton)..
A talking SIRI like light, voice of "Big Bang''s Kaley Cucuo and a Japanese bidet, with a Japanese housekeepr, Goos, were pretty humoursly odd..
Parents (MEGAN MULALLY and BRYAN CRANSTON), lead (JAMES FRANCO), and his bride to be (ZOEY DEUTCH, of the sadly sunceesful adaptation of Vampire High), and the Japanese character played by that guy from Comedy Central, whatever his name was, are among main charaters, as well a members of Kiss and a llama (but this is wintry Michigan, and here are Kiss with electric, if portable guitars and all!
Couldn't that snow have shorted the guitars?:) But, this is, gladly, a movie, and if Kiss hadf been gone there wouldn't be quite happy ending, well, they were still just there as entertainment, the happy ending already took place, but a delicious candy or cherry on that wedding cake...)
"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.