MovieChat Forums > Why Him? (2016) Discussion > God Awful! Possibly The Worst Comedy of ...

God Awful! Possibly The Worst Comedy of the Year!

I had a bad feeling about this one, but decided to give it a chance since I love Bryan Cranston and James Franco. This movie was god awful and painful to sit through! I didn't even crack a smile once throughout the entire thing. This is the worst kind of studio comedy that relies on profanity and characters saying "shocking" sexual things for jokes and it doesn't work at all! None of the characters are likable or believable and the story itself is just boring! I can understand why Franco would do this, but Cranston really should be embarrassed. He is above this kind of material.


I haven't watched it but the trailers here in germany and then, after all, I saw a hen thrown by him to someone, pitching it away...that was it - no film for me!

Bad taste jokes, ok - but to convince people that HE is a good guy DOING SUCH A THING ON PURPOSE? (Sure, it's only a movie but WHAT MESSAGE COMES HERE pls??) No, not buying it. Character is dull, primitive, childish - not a grown up at all in many ways AND for me not a lovable person. That's it.

Don't need to see the film knowing that.
I like Cranston very much - but the message fails and perhaps he could have known better?
