I bet this was originally supposed to be "Meet the Parents 4"...
First off, despite the negative reception, I actually thought this was an alright film. Not great, but I chuckled a reasonable amount of times, got one or two out-loud laughs, and I thought the cast was fairly charming.
But after finding out it was written and directed by John Hamburg and produced by Ben Stiller, I have to say, I'm reasonably sure that at least one point early in production, this was going to be Meet the Parents 4. It was probably going to take place like 15 years after Little Fockers and be about Greg going to visit his daughter Samantha's boyfriend, Laird. The Meet the Parents trilogy had a pretty consistent formula throughout, and this movie followed it so closely and had so many similar scenes, I have to imagine that even if it was just for a few weeks early in production, they were at one point trying to make this part of that franchise.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?