Daphne is so ANNOYING!!!

The girl is a talentless brat with an annoying voice and accent ( or whatever the hell that speech impediment is called). Don't get me wrong all the actors on this show minus the parents and the eldest daughter absolutely suck. Not funny at all. However daphne is definitely the worst


Agreed Daphne is the worst.

People allow her to blackmail them so easily. Like when She blackmailed Harley out of $20 AND her jacket just for her to get a good present with guilt points. Letting someone blackmail you out of a jacket AND $20 you might as well just LET them do whatever blackmail hell they want and just BUY the present you want. I know this won't happen, but I hope Daphne gets ran over by a big fast moving truck, feels massive pain, and then dies.


I agree wit ya they let that lil *beep* get away wit anything. In my family of 5 if my youngest sister tried some *beep* like her sher would have got hit a lot and duck taped to trees and chairs alot
