MovieChat Forums > SAS: Red Notice (2021) Discussion > Painfully bad clichés, brainless action ...

Painfully bad clichés, brainless action movie..

Ok action movie to kill time. Nothing new or smart here. The main guy is a Tom Brady type that has rugged handsome essense oozing out of the ass, plot is predictable every step of the way. Some scenes are cringe inducing in how trite and over the top. If you wanna veg on the couch and watch some garden variety action movie, it's ok. Obviously they're trying to set up a sequel with hopes of a James Bond or Jason Bourne type of franchise.


Good luck with that. Pretty lame. Surprised it was based off a book apparently. Though I guess now you mention it, it felt like a bad Bourne rip-off.


Has that direct-to-video feeling from end to end. Truly awful on every possible level.


saw bits of it when it showed in 'normal' TV other month or so. It was was it is, a Sky made TC movie trying be like Bond/Bourne with lots of CG muzzle flash a few names (and pre scandal Noel clarke)
