Why save Mateo?

Mateo is not a nice person, he's a judgemental jerk that makes fun of every one of his coworkers except Cheyenne. Even in the episode, the joke is no one has anything nice to say about him, not even Cheyenne. So are we supposed to feel sympathy for him? Or are we supposed to be glad he was caught and is being deported?


I think you're supposed to feel sympathy for him. Much like The Office, the characters are all pretty flawed and even though they get on each other's nerves, they also come together and rally around one who is in trouble. A great example is the second season premier episode of The Office, where at The Dundee awards, most of the characters are extremely annoyed with Michael. But when an unruly patron at the other side of the bar throws something and said something mean to him, they all encouraged Michael to keep going because they actually did care about his feelings. This show has a very similar vibe in regards to its characters.


They should have tried harder because I'm kinda rooting for ICE.


have you been watching the show since season 1?


Yes. They pick the least likable character and then make ICE look like the good guys, not what I would expect from America Ferrera.


ICE seems pretty neutral in this plotline,
it's more about "evil" Cloud 9 corporate who called in ICE for a raid to combat the potential strike/unionization


I was kinda joking about ICE being the good guys.


As they say "He may be an a#*hole, but he's our a#*hole"
