MovieChat Forums > The Player (2015) Discussion > Its premise feels completly like Person ...

Its premise feels completly like Person Of Interest

minus POI's emphasis on artificial intelligence and its social commentary on privacy invasion and human morals. but the whole trying to study and intervene before a crime takes place. ( and even then from procedural standpoint its funny saying that as POI in these past two seasons has damn near left their procedural roots behind ). they only thing with POI in its early days before shifting heavily towards big plot lines is that you didn't know whether the person was going to be the vic or the perp. don't know if the player is like that but it feels somewhat like poi ( i don't think it will be better ).


Hopefully, The Player is nowhere near as boring


I'm sorry, what?


I hope this show is nowhere near as boring as Person of Interest is.


I expect it to be good for the sake of Philip Winchester. But calling POI boring? I don't know what to say about that. May be the technical stuff in it bored you.

It’s not about knowing. You can never really know someone. It’s really about trust. - Richard Castle


Person of Interest is awesome, one of my most favourite shows!

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.🐈 


I know...It's my favorite too.

It’s not about knowing. You can never really know someone. It’s really about trust. - Richard Castle


I think POI started out really well. I watched it through the first three seasons or so but then I gradually lost interest. But even if I was still enjoying it I would not mind if this show has some similarities. Pretty much everything is derivative nowadays. As long as it's entertaining and the characters have nice chemistry with each other then I'm willing to give it a shot.


I came here to post almost the exact same thing.

Me personally, I'm a big Person of Interest fan. I liked it even more in the early seasons when it was more procedural, so this looks right up my alley. This looks like a different flavor of the same thing - one that also looks good to me, so I'm looking forward to giving this a shot. I still like POI plenty, but given that I preferred it when case-of-the-week was a bigger emphasis, this show will be a welcome addition for me. I hope it turns out as good as it looks.


POI is my all time favorite drama only because season 3 and 4 went more towards the big arch/serialized routes. This show will have amazing action scenes but i don't think it can do what POI does in the sense of making each season seem better then the last in a big way. just something about the player i don't trust.


What they did in POI seasons 3 and 4 is killing it. Its why season 5 has been reduced to 13 episodes and they're probably won't be a 6th. Abandoning the original premise is never a good idea.



If it didn't evolve story wise the way it did in season 3 or 4 i question whether or not i would have stayed on board. luckily they did. It went from being just the equalizer to something even better. I will admit,alot of that casual cbs audience likes their procedural episodes without expansion or anything ( don't know why but whatever ) so trying to do something different or unique on this network usually gets shot down by them and sure it hurt the ratings some. But i don't care about ratings or numbers, the writing quality of the show is better then its first two seasons and im glad the writers and crew stuck to their vision of what they wanted their show to be down the line. If season 5 is the last season doesn't mean it can't be a good thing. a show doesn't have to run for a whole bunch of seasons to be great. a friend of mine used a great but funny quote. You either die a breaking bad or live long enough to see yourself become a dexter.

sorry for the long post but that whole "they should have stay mainly in case of the week" stuff just gets old from people.


I loved it exactly BECAUSE it reminded me of The Equalizer (which deserved a far better film adaption). There have been some really crappy Equalizer knockoffs, but this was a great one.

Carpe Noctem!


I prefer shows wherein episodes can stand alone, with, perhaps, some continuing background subplot.

For instance, I loved the X-Files, when it had minor background subplots, but think the show ended up being ALL about Mulder's obsessions. So much so, that, even after Duchovny left the show, Mulder's presence was so prevalent, that the show couldn't move forward.

I know the common wisdom is that serializing builds a long-term audience, because the viewer comes back, due to addiction to it. Case in point: they tried recycling the Kolchak series, but felt the need to introduce a female 'associate' & a background subplot, about Kolchak's late wife. It failed. The original has remained a beloved show, without all that.

I think the show could've gone longer, just changing casts, like Doctor Who or Law & Order, but the whole Mulder mythology prevented that.

Carpe Noctem!


awoolfork, I agree with you, I do not feel like The Player will be better than POI. Also agree that POI seems to have abandoned its original procedural format, much to my chagrin.

To me, the premise sounds closer to the TV series, Las Vegas, which starred James Caan, which ran for five seasons from 2003-07. If I recall correctly, Caan's character had previously been in intelligence, too.


I agree with most of what y'all are saying. No way no how will Player be better than Person of Interest. Unfortunately it's on it's last leg.

Grands...Glad to see you come and glad to see you go


To me, the premise sounds closer to the TV series, Las Vegas, which starred James Caan, which ran for five seasons from 2003-07. If I recall correctly, Caan's character had previously been in intelligence, too.

Nah. Las Vegas was the Love Boat/Fantasy Island for the 21st century. It wasn't really about crime or action - though they tried to force that aspect at one point, trying to make a big deal out of Ed's Intelligence past. But it was mostly about guests coming to the hotel/casino and the cast/employees solving their dilemmas.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.


Seems like a bit of POI and the Die Hard series. POI lost me for a while when it stopped helping people as its main story and went to fighting the "other Machine"
I will watch this for a while, but I don't think it is all that good


Agreed about POI!

Carpe Noctem!


Watching the pilot, POI is exactly what I thought of.


Had the same feeling while watching Blindspot and Minority Report.

"The truth is offensive to men who love darkness."- Orholam, The Broken Eye


Yeah, what POI used to be (thank god and without such a moody lead) before it fell into the rabbit hole of ridiculous Sci fi and conspiracy theories.

Let's hope the Player stays there.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.


POI got amazing in its later seasons, im glad it walked away from its procedural roots.


Well, POI was like an unfunny Burn Notice, so I wouldn't exactly call it an original. You also have Minority Report running around trying to stop crimes before they happen.

I think this is less about "stopping" crime and more betting on the success or failure of said anticipated crime when the criminals have an antagonist. Hopefully, it will up the involvement of the bad guys and force the criminals to be smarter with better plans. The game doesn't care about which side wins, they place the odds on likelihood. Removing the moralizing should make for a fun irreverent premise.

"You wanna make a living in this business, you gotta know your ABCs: Always Be Cool."


Hmmm...I thought Burn Notice was an unfunny Burn Notice. Regardless, I don't see what it has to do with PoI.



Hmmm...I thought Burn Notice was an unfunny Burn Notice. Regardless, I don't see what it has to do with PoI.
