MovieChat Forums > The Player (2015) Discussion > The Player is so much better than shades...

The Player is so much better than shades of blue

Now that I have seen the first two episodes of shades of blue I am extra pissed off about the players cancellation. They had a solid night of fun interesting action mystery shows and this show just doesn't fit. I should be on Wednesdays with the other strong lady nbc cop shows.


Agreed, The Player is heads and shoulders better than Shades, which is quite frankly a pretty bad show. To give it a chance I watched 3 episodes, till I gave up, its just not worth it to waste time. Player was superior in every way possible - cast, script, production value, fun factor, etc.


I agree on all counts.


I never did see it. Hopefully i can catch it if it ever gets released on Netflix or something.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


I concur as well!


Considering how dumb Shades of Blue became, I'm surprised this was canceled after just nine episodes.
