They coddled they hell out of her, it was borderline nauseating.. They didn't want to argue in front of her, she couldn't get her own damn medicine from the trunk of the car.. Emma was such a liability in this movie it was ridiculous. I got tired of hearing her name -_-.


I hope it gets shown again next Halloween. It should with SyFy that owns it,they don't have to pay someone else. The oldest sister I hope gets the Vanessa Helsing series they want to have on.


They drove me crazy. They called her name for the whole entire movie. Made it pretty hard to watch.


Well yes. They had great actors for this,I just wish a better story for the. 2 million is less than some half hour tv shows. I think it will be something that syfy will show every Halloween time.


It pisses me off that she kept leaving the damn car..."Oh she wants to protect us that's why she left..." really???? If she was smart...she would have realized that her sisters would go searching for her...and they almost died doing so. What a damn twit.


I just saw this for the first time.

I kept hoping someone would smother that little sht.
