Utterly stupid

Ok so I was bored and gave this movie a go. Stupidest scene ever the survivors are in a diner, they had previously tied up and gagged one sister because she wouldn't shut up and the monster thingy might hear and know they're there. So what do the guys do they get in an argument that is so loud it would've woken up the abominable snowman in the Himalayas but that doesn't worry them. No,they hear a woman screaming for help and look out the window and realize she's being used as bait, now they're talking the whole time, then one guy drops his phone and suddenly it's like you idiot the monster could have heard that.


I was thinking the same thing. Totally lame, senseless movie.


it was okay but nothing special It didnt grasp my attention as like Aliens or Alien

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


It was a good movie for what I think was the story in a amount of time they had to do it. Maybe let off the diner and showed why the girls was dragged off and buried and other people killed. I guess it spent to much time trying to get the other 2 that it didn't get what it wanted to do with them. Maybe it was a get enough of them to create another monster.


What bothered me was there was never a plot and the creature was never explained. The sisters were annoying af. The oldest one would not shut up (serve's her right that it got her), and the youngest kept running away like an *beep*



Yes, it struck me several times that for all the 'shh' and 'be quiet' and 'shut up' they sure made A LOT of noise. Especially when they were looking for the sister in the woods. It's dead quiet and all you hear is them screeching their sister's name. Seriously?

But other than that, it was quite an entertaining movie when you're cleaning out your desk anyway. I couldn't get to invested in any of the characters, didn't like the hysterical sisters and I really couldn't care less who'd die and who'd survive, just wanted the monster to do it's job, which it did.


It was good. I'm glad it wasn't the typical girl gets killed after sex horror movie. The sisters did each a take me not them thing.


I couldn't believe that phone dropping scene. The girl was outside screaming. How on earth is the monster gonna hear the friggin' phone drop?



Hilary Jardine the blond girl in the diner is in the SyFy Van Helsing tv series. I'm hoping the oldest sister is also.
Vanessa Helsing, daughter of famous vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, is resurrected only to find that vampires have taken over the world. She is humanity's last hope to lead an offensive to take back what has been lost


The dumbest scene was where Emma (or Marley, I was confused) was following Sarah (or Marley, I was still confused!) through the woods while pointing a loaded shot gun at her back. I mean, just one snag on those tree roots and... wow, I'd have cheered, loudly!

...it's just another dumb film, get over it.


Hopefully they will put Sarah in more movies,she is sex.


I think we get the message, mx334 - you're hot on Stephanie Hunt. You've posted this sort of comment everywhere. Can you give it a rest now?

...it's just another dumb film, get over it.


When he dropped his phone his gun went off. You could just barely hear it over the screaming.
