( SPLR ) Irritating movie, baffling, annoying as hell, then pulls itself together in an interesting way.
I don't know why I put in all the time to watch that annoying
dysfunctional family. Maybe it was the CoronaVirus quarantine
and nothing better to do. I did look through movie and movie
on Amazon and Hulu. Man, it is hard to actually find a movie
that is not made for a kid or stunted brain. So many useless
terrible movies out there.
American Woman though, and i will have to think more on why
that title, was at least something different from the boring done
a billion times super-hero or action movie.
The movie is basically centering around a woman who's life is a
mess and who is miserable, but then loses her daughter that she
had at 16 in a disappearance. She lives a life, good and bad, slow
good and growing up. Then the situation with her disappeared
daughter gets resolved.
I have to admit the acting and the bizarre structure and pace of the
movie ... finally, when you get to the end, makes sense and is even
serene ... and the scenes resolve in a kind of way in the way the
picture changes and the music and pace change. It is truly masterfully
done, but what it seems to say is that to become a human being
and grow up one has to go through enormous tragedy, pain, stupidity
and suffering ... and what is the point.
It is a pretty bleak movie, and yet somehow hopeful. What is nice is
when you see something in a work of art that is just somehow out of
reach. Something that takes you to a place, and yet you don't really
know where you are, but there is something real there.
The problem with this movie is you don't really know why, and what
you are supposed to do with it.
There are really ugly scenes of spousal abuse, a lot of swearing and
hate speech, obscenity. Why a family like that would be subject to
such examination, and what it has to say ... I don't know.
Somehow through by the end it was interesting and I cannot say it
was bad, while it is also hard to say it was good. I think interesting
and perhaps worthy of discussion is accurate.