MovieChat Forums > Fifty Shades Darker (2017) Discussion > Awful writing but here's the reason I li...

Awful writing but here's the reason I like the story-

It is a horribly written novel but it's a great story for women on many levels.

1) Woman always want to be "the one". The one who can change him, the one who turns him upside down, the one for whom he is willing to defy man and God. And sadly, some women believe that. But even for those who don't, it's a nice fantasy.

2) Women love being swept off their feet. Christian Grey goes to great lengths to court Ana. Women like being worth the effort and Mr. Grey certainly lets Ana know she is worthy of pursuit.

3) Who doesn't want to feel shiny and new? This book is full of first love and first experiences. Again, the writing is terrible, but the author easily allows the reader to relive their firsts. She also gets us inside Ana's head and we can relate to most of what she experiences. It a vicarious dream.

4) It's naughty. Even the most puritanical have a curious side. The popularity of these books validates that it's ok to explore a darker side of sex. Women don't like feeling like cheap whores just because we enjoy sex. So you have one brave soul out there who tells a friend, "Hey, I really liked this." Because of it's popularity, it's a comfort to be able to read this particular "smut" because you know that others aren't going to judge you as harshly.

(Go to a review site if you don't want spoilers. This is a DISCUSSION board.)


I disagree but I see your point.


Ho whoiamnow,

I think a lot of readers would agree with you, they hated the writing, but loved the story. My issue was with the dopy protagonist. Could Ana have been more badly written?


Worst character in a book ever. I've never been so annoyed from a character before reading those books.


Only it's the same rehashed plot of many, many romantic/erotic/vampire-ish novels, only taken to higher levels of absurdity.

I tried to read it, I really couldn't. One of the things that could make such trashy novels at least a little readable is the male protagonist, who's supposed to be this crazily sexy, smart and enigmatic guy that you can fantasize about, but Grey is nothing like that. Some sad, boring psycho in a suit. Whoa.

reply books didn't read like that at all....and it is difficult to find any new kind of romantic story that hasn't been done hundreds of times..and Christian is crazily and enigmatic...


EL James has no authority to write about 20-something women. She's hasn't been in her twenties in a long time.

The character of Ana is pretty much every clinch ever written. I didn't identify to her at all.

Christian is also a cliché because he is the masculine billionaire. The expectations are unrealistic.

The one major problem is the character, "Mrs. Robinson." Here name comes from the movie, The Graduate but in that film, Dustin Hoffman's character is out of college and he begins a sexual relationship with an older housewife, and it's consented.
In 50 Shades, Mrs. Lincoln is a pedophile. She knows how to get to Christian and he's a minor.
How'd the rules been reverse, the book series would have faced a major problem. It glamourizes the abuse because it "makes Christian a better person in the end" ?


Hi Rosie,

E.L. James wasn't a writer. Before she switch to fan fiction she penned two novels that have never seen the light of day despite her fame. She wrote the manuscript on her Blackberry and never did research. She could easily have emailed a college in Oregon to get info on young women, but that isn't why she wrote Fifty Shades. She wrote it for her enjoyment and those who followed her on social media. She knows it's fluff, but very successful fluff.

To be honest, Ana was written as such a dolt, I doubt that she'd know who Mrs. Robinson was.


It has to be difficult for a middle aged woman to write an American romance novel when she doesn't get that British English is so much different than American English. In the US would anyone in their 20s use the word "maladroitness?" I get that Christian is much more formal than his family- has to do with his other problems. But am VERY glad that when he shoves Jose away from Ana he said, "Dude, she said no." Instead of "the lady said no."


But am VERY glad that when he shoves Jose away from Ana he said, "Dude, she said no." Instead of "the lady said no."

i just totally saw that scene as "Dude, you can't do stuff to her whiles she drunk, wait for her to be unconscious like i gonna do later"


She trying to push him away. But because they were friends she was trying to be gentle about his feelings. Ana wanted Christian- she didn't push him away.


Ana wanted Christian- she didn't push him away.

She was unconscious how could she push him away? Both men took advantage of a drunk girl that night!


Not really, because the next morning she asks him if anything happened between them and he said no they just slept. Because she wasn't conscious. Taking her back to his hotel room maybe was not the best idea, but there are worse things he could have done, but didn't.


Taking her back to his hotel room maybe was not the best idea, but there are worse things he could have done, but didn't.

Taking her back to his hotel room maybe was not the best know what else was not a good idea? Taking off her clothes and getting into the same bed as her! Like i said, she was taken advantaged of by BOTH men!


I would have loved this book if it wasn't a love story, that Ana went through all of the stuff Christian put her through. That she tested herself to withstand the whipping and the painful sexual plays and acts until she either A) had enough and left Grey or B) it ends with her getting a new master.




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No wait... you might enjoy that... they shall taunt you with French accents and catapult cows at you!
