MovieChat Forums > Fifty Shades Darker (2017) Discussion > Does anyone else suddenly want to see th...

Does anyone else suddenly want to see this...

...after the new Taylor Swift song? I had no interest in the series before (okay not true. I did read like the first 70 pages of the first book when I was 18. But got bored. Decided it was a lot twilight without vampires but with sex). But now I'm thinking reading the books and seeing the first movie. All because of a song? Haha. I do love Taylor Swift.


She sings revenge break up songs doesn't she? now if she dated Grey with his BDSM fetish and his stalkerish manners and broken up, imagine the song we would have gotten!


I wouldn't call them revenge songs but more break up songs. But she writes song about all sorts of things (even a song about kids with cancer). She did this song with another artiest. The song is called "I don't want to live forever".

But the song you described would be very much worth listening. I wished they did that as well. Haha
