I see you are hurrying to delete all you'r posts. Why is that? After all this time are you finally embarrassed for your behavior ? You have been rude and cruel to many people on this board, pretty much abusive. You have been called out for the liar you are and put in you'r place. You were nailed by a very smart poster in another thread and now you'r running away trying to get rid of all the *beep* you've been spewing. You claim that you'r a teacher. Thank god that was a lie. You having any influence over young minds, especially girls or young women was down right scary. I saw you attack and abuse many people who didn't agree with you. You are relentless. I could not imagine you handling a "student" who thought different than you. Again, we know that was a lie,so I feel better about that.
You wished this MB a big *beep* you losers bye post but have deleted it. I wish you goodbye and hope to never run into you on another mb . I'm hope you find a way to be comfortable in you'r skin and know it's ok not to hate Christian when what you really want from him is a cuddle.