Obviously I know he cannot he killed off because there would be no show but it’s about time one of the characters got a bit of payback for all the grief, upset and suffering that Mick has caused. Anybody agree?
That was S1 although he wasn't really challenged.
Going back to the main point of your argument about Mick being challenged more, I was thinking that rather than going against tourists, he could go against criminal elements like the biker gang shown in S1.
Of course, he goes for tourists because he hates them and they are harder to trace but this biker/criminal gang could be coming in from the underworld of one of the main Australian cities where they would be harder to trace as well. As to Mick's motivation to get involved is that they are in words city wankas who has been in the wrong place at the wrong time and missed with the wrong guy. While they may be 'city wankas', they are hardened criminals and more than a match for Mitch although of course, Mick will come out the better man eventually.
The biggest flaw about this story is the moral dimension as it would just end up as a unappealing and grimy vigilante bloodfest. A possible way to get round this is that one of the gang members could be a possibly naive teen who gets in way over his head and tries to escape both the gang and Mick with the help of his girlfriend who is trying to get him out of that life?