
Anyone find the number of people who've tried to rape or kill her hard to believe?

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


Yes and the amount of times she put herself in mortal danger was ridiculous. That finale was incredibly silly in places. "Ooh, I know, I'll just wander about in a dark, creepy, abandoned house on my own. There's no possible way I could run into Mick who wants me dead. I wonder who that shadowy figure is approaching me...uh-oh, maybe I didn't think this through..."

"I have so many objections I don't know where to start"


I'm only on the second episode (aired tonight in the U.S.A.) and I was having hopes for its being more intelligent than your normal film of this sort. Now you're telling me it's going in the same old direction where the "victim's" own stupidity gets her in trouble. And so it goes...i.e., same old, same old. Maybe I should have stopped reading at SPOILERS. 
