Woefully Bad Acting

The acting by all actors in this show is very bad. Every character is immensely annoying too. I've watched a few episodes and hoped it would improve but it hasn't. I've committed a fair few hours to this now so I have to find out how ridiculously it concludes.


This show is a piece of what we call "Modern Art". You can't understand what you just saw! It's too deep for you, man! But trust me, this tv show is genuisly wrotten!


I agree the acting is horrendous. Especially by the "leading lady" Priyanka Chopra.. she is probably the worst one along with the guy who plays Caleb. I am an Indian-American myself so her accent delivery itself makes me cringe because it sounds like a person with an indian accent trying WAY TOO HARD to sound American. They should have just let her talk in her real accent, maybe then her performance would be more natural. Or then again maybe she just should learn to act.
