MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > I Need to Break-Up With This Show!

I Need to Break-Up With This Show!

Each week I asked myself the same question:

Why am I still watching?
What the heck is going on?
Who the heck is that guy?
Wait, isn't that person dead, in hiding, kicked out, or on the Moon?
Really, more shower and undressing scenes....instead of coherent dialogue?
How many more episodes until it is over?
Why he heck is this show STILL on my TiVo season pass list?
Maybe I should go read a book?

I guess like most of the people on this board, I keep hoping there will be some resolution or meaningful plot-twist. I know it takes a lot together a show like Quantico, but I beg the creators to take a step back and look at the chaos. It almost feels like a new writer is brought in each week to do their own thing. I think the people who are suffering the most, besides the audience, are the actors. It is painful to watch them try to make something out of nothing.

I really need to break-up with this show!

There is no spoon.


I agree. I think the only reason that I have continued this long, is that Sunday night doesn't have much going on right now. But this back and forth is driving me crazy. I almost wish they would have started out with the bombing, then just started at the training and go from there.


Well, I think it is well written in it's own way, but I think sometime around episode 12-13, it just started to become so... completely unrealistic it could ever become, and the jumping back and forth, not hard to follow really, but can be annoying. Gonna watch till end of season 1, and hopefully, the conclusion there is a good one.


Can you believe that the EP of the show brags about how they are keeping track of all the clues and twists so that everything connects in the end? For so many people to be confused about what is happening it makes me wonder about that.


It's fun! Try to enjoy:) Albeit, you must pay close attention...can't wait to see how it comes together:)


If this show (which I like) is hard to follow for you, may I recommend a few other shows like Sesame street


Hilarious!! I like the show, too:) Can't wait to see how it comes to together!


This show is awesome. If you cant keep up don't watch. And if this confusing i bet you never watched Lost..


Confused. I just said I like the show. In fact, I like it very much. Not sure what your point is here.


NOt you . Talking to the folks that just whine and complain about how they're going to stop watching the show..




I was very excited for this show and I still watch it every week However the OP is right. It's getting hard to follow with the constant jumping back and forth with time. And it's been losing my interest for the past several episodes. Simply telling people not to watch if they don't like it isn't the smartest plan as that will lead to the cancellation of the show.

I've watched American Horror Story, Scandal, The Americans, Revenge (a great example of twisted plots that end up making no sense), etc., which have twisty plots that still managed to be interesting. However those show didn't get like that until a couple of seasons in. Quantico is only one season in and the plot should not be this complex and confusing. And it's not even complex and confusing in an intellectually stimulating way, it's just bad writing.

And again, I LIKE the show and feel this way. I'd like it to get a second season so it needs to get it together.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.


This show is trash. Actors can't act and writers can't write. This show is already on TV, it's called Greys Anatomy.


shows garbage greys anatomy II


I just got caught up on Hulu. I watched the first two episodes after the hiatus and I was confused. Like someone else said, I felt like I had missed an episode but I didn't so I gave up. But then I decided to try again. The flashbacks are annoying. I think for me the problem is I am usually always doing something else when I watch tv so I'm not really paying full attention. But with this show you can't do that it forces you to actually watch. A few times I looked away or drifted off and damn, there was a time switch and I was lost again!

I will watch til the end of the season and then decide if I will continue watching. I probably won't watch live though but catch it the next day on Hulu.


I think for me the problem is I am usually always doing something else when I watch tv so I'm not really paying full attention

Try to pay full attention when you watch TV shows/movies.. I think its more enjoyable. You can prepare snacks ahead, or invite someone to binge watch two or three episodes at a time then discuss at the end.. put it on your mobile device and watch episodes in transit on long journeys or when you take lunch breaks at a crowded restaurant.. just put in a little effort and get more fun out of it..

I used to have a friend just like you. He would do 100 things while watching a movie or TV show.. It was his thing but I detested it.. so I quit watching shows with him.. ruins the mood.. Just reading your comment even got me a little miffed 😒


Not everyone can do that. I have two kids and a very demanding full time job. It's rare that I have time to sit and stare at the tv without distractions. I am in court all day (I don't get lunch breaks) and then when I get home I have stuff to do. I honestly thought this is how most people's lives are unless you're still in school. I haven't had time to just sit and relax at length since I was in law school and even then I was studying while watching tv.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.


I am a single parent and I run my own business from home. I don't have free time to sit around watching TV, unfortunately, unless I'm also doing something else. I have one child and although he's a teen, there's still always something going on that I need to attend to. Some project or I need to run him places, etc. Yes, it would be nice if I could sit down and watch tv/movies and not have other things going on but that's not my situation. Perhaps you don't have kids or you work for the man and you can come home and forget about your job. I can't. My job is with me all of the time and if I don't work, I don't get paid and my child does not eat. When he was in elementary/middle school I would arrive at school 30 minutes to an hour before dismissal and work in my car because I couldn't afford to miss that time working.

Although my tv is one several hours a day, I estimate I actually only watch maybe 30 minutes without distractions.

Sometimes I like to have the tv on and even though I'm not watching, I am listening. That's my frustration with this show. I like the Family but they also flashback but it's not as annoying as Quantico. I like the show otherwise and I plan to continuing watching/not really watching until the end of the season. If I decide to stop watching it will be because of a combination of the storylines and the time travel.


Wow.. Thanks for making me realize my mistake. I don't know why I assumed everyone was like me, single, live alone, flexible work hours, lots of free time.. Now I think its amazing you even get the time to watch your TV shows.

Your comments have made me more sensitive to the plight of others. I wish you guys all the best.


That was a really nice thing to say. Thank you.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.


Pretty much given up on this show and just waiting for the season one finale. With every episode I grow border with the deliberate suspense and sporadic development of plot, characters and overall conspiracy.


If I had to watch it from week to week instead of binging via Netflix then I'd probably be as frustrated as you are. The amount of convoluted storylines and red herrings reminds me of The Killing. Both shows had great potential but fell flat due to terrible writing (and awful music choices, as far as Quantico is concerned).
