I Need to Break-Up With This Show!
Each week I asked myself the same question:
Why am I still watching?
What the heck is going on?
Who the heck is that guy?
Wait, isn't that person dead, in hiding, kicked out, or on the Moon?
Really, more shower and undressing scenes....instead of coherent dialogue?
How many more episodes until it is over?
Why he heck is this show STILL on my TiVo season pass list?
Maybe I should go read a book?
I guess like most of the people on this board, I keep hoping there will be some resolution or meaningful plot-twist. I know it takes a lot together a show like Quantico, but I beg the creators to take a step back and look at the chaos. It almost feels like a new writer is brought in each week to do their own thing. I think the people who are suffering the most, besides the audience, are the actors. It is painful to watch them try to make something out of nothing.
I really need to break-up with this show!
There is no spoon.