Muslim girl in FBI?

And you wonder why there's terrorist attack?
Is this a liberal propaganda piece of S or what?

Hey liberal, you can shove this show up your A**!


Actually, there were 2 ?


Actually Nimah is an atheist, not that the religious or non-religious status of such an applicant should matter in the least.


Spoken like a true idiot (and/or obvious troll). There are plenty of Muslim FBI agents, that is the best way terrorist plots related to Muslim extremists can be prevented.




Interesting and informative post. BTW, affirmative action laws aren't racist---they benefit both minorities of color and women, because both groups have historically been discriminated against in the past. I've also read about how black Americans teaching abroad have to deal with racism in certain countries overseas as well---there's a blog from a couple of years ago called "Black In Cairo", which was written by a black college student studying in Egypt---she talked about both the extensive racist and sexism she and her fellow female students experienced: Here it is here:


Affirmative action is a joke. A very flawed attempt to fix a problem, but instead only creates more problems. For years, white males had the advantage. The answer was, and still is, to level the playing field, not tilt it in the opposite direction. The best candidate should get the job, period, regardless of race, color, gender, etc. If the best candidate on a given day is a white male... so be it.


"I Drank What?!" - Socrates



And you can take your stupid close-minded conservative bull**** rant and shove it right back up your ignorant a**. If you had actually done the research (which would have taken all of 60 seconds) Nobody asked you to spew that hateful nonsense. Now shut up and read the post about Muslims already being in the FBI, and being an asset to catch real terrorists.


OH yeah..... I can see what you are talking about; I figure hey its a show so WTF? Anyway, I'm a registered Independent - but liberals DO get on my nerves, especially the Hollywood "know it all's"! Sit back buddy and give it a try.


by marineproductions1 »

And you wonder why there's terrorist attack?
Is this a liberal propaganda piece of S or what?

And yet, the 'terrorist attack' was perpetrated by a privileged white male Christian. In the end, many lives were saved due to the efforts of an Hindu, 2 Muslims, (all woman) and a Jew. So, what are you ranting about? Actually, nevermind... racists seldom make any sense anyway.


"I Drank What?!" - Socrates



seems like FBI in the show was actually more competent than the real one. is it because of addition of women, jews and hindus? no, because that would be a sexist and racist.



If you don't have Muslims in the FBI, how do you expect to translate security Intel from North Africa and the Middle East? We need people who have roots in these countries, who understand the cultures and the languages, to filter out all the unimportant stuff and pull out the pieces of information that our security teams should be looking at.

We literally cannot protect our country without Muslim Americans. And Muslim Americans are Americans, same as you're an American. Most are born here, just like I assume you were. Some Iraqi American UCLA grad from NJ who listens to the same music you listen to and drinks your same brand of beer is serving his country right now listening to chatter on the wire and I'm really thankful bc he's probably saving our lives right now.
