MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > How is saving someones life in a trainin...

How is saving someones life in a training exercise bad?! Spoilers

I'm a little surprised that no one has mentioned it?
There are so many things in this show that are completely retarded and throughly unrealistic, so this is in no way a new phenomenon, but I'm just really irritated by the complete idiocy of this event.

So Alex is told by her class mate, that her shute gear is malfunctioning, but that said peer is to afraid to notify their teacher, so she would rather jump to her death then tell the truth about this simple problem. This is how this "dilemma" is presented. I don't know if a broken clasp would result in death in real life, but within the shows logic, at least this is the reality.

So Alex was supposed to let her class mate fall to her death?! That's just beyond stupid.
And their explanation was that "the mission comes first". Uhh.. how exactly does saving her life, get in the way of the none existing op? That's completely insane! If it was a real op, the trainee/"agent" wouldn't be able to do her op once landing, cause she would be dead, so in fact by saving her, Alex saved the op.

This exact scenario, is in no way applicable as a teaching moment to a real life scenario. There are plenty of ways to teach students to focus on the op instead of other things, that in itself is a good lesson. But the way it was presented is to just let people around you die, for no reason at all, cause "that will help the op".

How does letting a trainee die a meaningless and easily preventable death, in a class, help an undefined and nonexistent operation?! And even if it was a real operation, how does letting your fellow agent die a meaningless and easily preventable death, help your real operation?
Answer: it doesn't, and the whole "twist" was completely retarded.

Yes, I know this is in no way the stupidest thing that has happened in this show (or even in this episode). For example, there is no way in hell you take people up in the air (most of them who weren't agents of anything, and therefore hadn't had any training at all, like a writer and a photographer) and just tell them to jump, like: "good luck, don't die." Come on.

And even the best special agent in the business, just because they are good at the shooting range or hand to hand, that in no way prepares then to jump out of airplanes or helos, you need hours and hours of training to do that safely. And even if you could figure it out while your rushing towards the ground, there's just no reason to do it! They would train them first, or else they would chance killing half their class in one fell swoop, every start of semester.
There's just no way in hell you would do that, because there's no reason to.

But that's the way it's been ever since this insipid series started.
"Here's a test on something you have never ever done, with no training what so ever, and if you can't figure it out, you get kicked out."

They just raised the stakes from being kicked out, to dying this time around.
Jesus rollerblading Christ, this show is stupid.


Remember, this is the same show that kicked people who were not trained in bomb defusing out of the FBI last year for running from a potential bomb. Despite being incapable of doing anything to stop it if it was a real bomb, they were cowards who should have been willing to die rather than head towards safety. Why should this year be any different?

I assume they're going to take the training exercises from last year, slightly change the variables about them, shuffle the deck, and hope people don't notice. I can't wait to they get to the one where they have to smuggle something across the border and they're kicked out if they aren't successful. That should be fun.


Yes I know, I mean I am in no way surprised, since this is the umpteenth stupid moment I've witnessed on this show, but sometimes it feels like they just get stupider and stupider, every episode they write. Couldn't they at least try?! Or even pretend to try? Who do they think they are writing for, six month old babies who hasn't developed critical thinking yet?!

There has to be at least a semblance of reason, it can't possibly be that hard? Or maybe it is, since they seem incapable of accomplishing it.

I don't remember every instance, but I think at least half the time they cut people from the program last season, it was for completely ridiculous reasons, and I think that almost all the time, they got tests on stuff they hadn't practiced, (and then they got cut if they didn't know.) I think one of the few things we ever saw them practice was shooting, most everything else, they where just magically supposed to know. But if they already knew, then what's the point of the school? Per their logic, everyone already knows how to scale buildings safely, or how to dismantle bombs and so on, it's more like it's a measure of how well they can do it, than it is about teaching it.
And alot of the time they get reprimanded for being smart, (like evacuating from a bomb they can't defuse, or saving a stupid person from falling to death from an airplane).

It's so frustrating, cause the show was an interesting idea.
The setup in itself is pretty decent. Of course it wasn't new, deep, groundbreaking or anything, (and the time swap, while easy to follow, got pretty old eventually.)
But it could have been pretty entertaining, even if was fluffy, if the flow wasn't constantly being interrupted by pure stupidity.

And I've also had it with people not talking to each other. Sometimes it feels like half the problems and stupid situations they encounter, could've been easily avoided if they had just talked a little to each other, instead of insisting of hiding stuff that really didn't need hiding. Gaah.
Haha, thank you, I just needed to went. ;)

It's just sad and such a waste, cause it really could have been a pretty decent show. I mean it could never have been an Emmy-winning one or anything like that, (lacking in deepness and substance as it does) but sometimes you just want to watch some mindnumbing fun.
But I really get taken out of my comfortable junk-TV buzz, when it just keeps dipping to far below the stupidity line, again and again.
There has to be a balance between semi-reasonable suspension of disbelief, and plain rubbish.

Please excuse any bad spelling or weird sentence structioning, English is not my first language.


Seriously, am I almost the only one who thinks that this is completely retarded?


No, you're not. Look at how less active the board is this year. A LOT of people gave up on this show.

I keep suggesting this to people: try and view the show as a comedy. It becomes a lot more entertaining. Give it a shot.


Haha, that is pretty much how I view this show and blindspot. It's almost become a game between me and my and my boyfriend, to point out every idiotic and ridiculous premise or blunt mistake. But it's sad that it has come to this, because as I've mentioned previously, it's a nice premise, it had alot promise, and it COULD have been a decent show, it's just sad to see them tanking it. I mean it's not supposed to be a comedy where we laugh about how stupid the writers/characters are. Why not invest even a modicum of intelligence? Why make all the characters and their choices retarded? Why not research the situations they are thrown in, to make them even a tad realistic? What's the point of wasting alot of money on a show, and then write it like crap? It's just a waste of time and resources.


I told someone who hadn't yet seen the show about the skydiving incident. They didn't believe me that a "serious" show would have a sequence that dumb and thought I had to be grossly exaggerating what happened. I had to load that part of the episode and show them. Their reaction was priceless.


I didn't really understand that either. This season (I know it's only been 2 episodes) but it's not as interesting as the first season.

Will Alex be a firefighter is Season 3?


Exactly, it's like they aren't even trying. This could've been decent if they just tried a little, but it's like they've given the script to their kids and said "have fun with it".
Why not even try to make it good?


I gave up on Blindspot a little over halfway through the first season. Quantico doesn't seem to take itself as seriously, but they definitely need to tighten up those plotting errors.


As a side note dont use the word "retarded" this way. Its offensive to many people


