Miranda isnt the

Terrorist, whoever she contacted on the phone is the inside person that miranda has in the terrorist cell. Do you all really think she leave it up to Ryan and Alex to try and take down the cell lol.


So this Miranda thing is a misdirect? So how did the terrorists know to look for Alex inside the captured area? And why is she destroying (or trying to) Shelby's report which could possibly help identify the terrorists?
Not saying you aren't correct.


I must have missed something..the last thing I remember before last night's episode was here letting the terrorist know Alex was there and then the report thing. Are these the only two things that make it appear as though she is a traitor?


When Shelby spoke the codeword "boiler room" to Miranda to keep her from doing the exchange, Miranda seemed to understand, but ignored it..could just be a ruse by the writers, but it makes her look very suspect.

Plus last week...Miranda trying to get the info off the computers...


I think you meant to say "when Raina (or the twin sister, I get the names mixed up) mentioned the boiler room".


Wasn't she a bad guy in season 1? Or was she framed? But I knew she was bad news.
