And...I'm Done

Basically, they just hit a giant ol' reset button. Everything is exactly the same as it was last year except that now they’re at The Farm instead of Quantico (meaning the title really holds no relevance anymore). I stuck out Season 1, but I don’t have the energy for Season 2…especially when it feels like I’ve already seen it.

"Sometimes we all wanna be someone that we're not like Billy down in Soddy Daisy."


yeah i was against the name in first season, Quantico was originally the title of Criminal Minds but they changed it, they should change it too to something else or if not, change it to something that makes sense "Quantico: The Farm" ..

Life is a joke, but atleast its a good one.


...hange it to something that makes sense "Quantico: The Farm" ..

Well, they did change it in the opening title:



I also thought the name was bad choice. It's a very limiting title and I knew it would work against them. Season 2 only proves that...


It's sort of like Prison Break, or Cougar Town.


Agreed 100%.

Oh well. One less show to keep me entertained til season 2 of The Magicians arrives in December.


I'm on the fence right now, but leaning (way over) toward quitting as well. It looks like they're going to basically repeat season one, at least as far as the training goes, only with the CIA as background this time. So far, with the first episode, they even had the same exercise: get information from some one in a bar. They just turned the objective on its head. So would season 3 be Alex getting trained at the NSA, this time working undercover for the CIA, or perhaps some FBI/CIA hybrid? And would season 4 be her getting educated by the Phoenix Foundation (referring to the MacGyver reboot). Season 5 she infiltrates the Army Rangers or Delta Force, #6 the Seals, etc.? Who wants to see season 1 over and over again?

The terrorist part of the overall story looks promising, but if it's going to be the minor part of the hour (looking at the overall, relative time spent every week, and assuming that, again, the structure of year one is being reused), I, for one, have better things to do.


I think I'm with you. I just can't believe they made the decision to basically warm over the last season with the same flashbacks, training (again), and a bad secondary storyline. Mind-blowingly stupid.


This show need to end. Most leftist propaganda show ever.




Basically, they just hit a giant ol' reset button. Everything is exactly the same as it was last year except that now they’re at The Farm instead of Quantico (meaning the title really holds no relevance anymore). I stuck out Season 1, but I don’t have the energy for Season 2…especially when it feels like I’ve already seen it.
Couldn't agree more. I power watched Season 1 to catch up, and barely saw it to the end. Mainly just to find out 'whodunit'.

But to see it just essentially redo the entire concept again? No thanks. Too many other better shows to watch. In fact, I'd rather watch reruns of a classic show than watch Quantico rerun Season 1 again, just at 'The Farm'. It BARELY worked once. No thanks to a second go 'round.



I gave up after the premiere. Alex's character ruins it for me. There are no likable characters anymore and the plot was so confusing after one episode I couldn't see the point in continuing. I tried a few minutes of the next episode but as it's been mentioned it's the same thing all over again only with a much weaker supporting cast.

I'm honestly glad I quit watching because Quantico is headed into certain cancellation by Midseason. ABC didn't even give it a full season order and there's no way it'll survive given the weekly viewership erosion.


I really like the show. The only people complaining are white boys who hate to see diversity on network TV. Get used to it!


The only people complaining are white boys who hate to see diversity on network TV. Get used to it!
Yes. Because everyone knows that shows with a diverse cast automatically means it's a high quality show. 

Your statement ranks in the Top Ten dumbest things I've seen out here. Congrats.
