If you want to max out the thread, reply to yourself and stop spamming my inbox with empty replies.
He's back!
RabbiTest - you DO realize that NOBODY out here cares about this thread since you essentially destroyed it. You act as if you are some kid playing to some crowd. Deal with the fact you're not. All I'm doing is expediting the closure of this thread which is what would have inevitably happened anyway with the back and forth you engaged in over the last 2 months here. Deal with that, don't deal with that, it's up to you. But don't act like anyone here cares about this. Because if there's one person that does, I'd be shocked. People gave up on this thread LONG ago. But apparently you're narcissism has led you to believe you are crusading here. Let me be clear - you are not. All that's going on here right now is, I'm F^cking with you - to end this thread so nobody has to keep seeing your valueless posts.
Have a nice day.
I know I don't care what a not-completely hinged barking hypocrite thinks, nor does when he tries to throw his weight around and then shrinks away with silly pronouncements and self-backpats.
If you believed what you say you wouldn't feel the need to continually declare it to try to recover some face.