MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > Makes FBI look TERRIBLE and INCOMPETENT


Through 19.5 episodes of Season 1. I swear, I hope the actual FBI and Quantico facility is NOTHING like this, because if it is, our country is doomed. I've never in my life seen a more miserable lot of people, always backstabbing, always thinking the worst of each other. Seemingly always working against each other - and STUPID beyond belief.

I'm sticking with this just so I can see "whodunnit", but it's becoming more and more painful. For an org that ostensibly stresses teamwork on the show, there's damn little of that on display. Plus, most of these characters are so damaged, I don't think they'd be able to pass a psych test to work at SEARS, let alone the FBI.

Honestly, Quantico makes Muldar and Scully and Skinner from The X Files look like they starred in a documentary.


I think that might have been intentional, since the male fbi teacher was the traitor. Maybe he was causing the others to be more incompetent.


Maybe he was causing the others to be more incompetent.
He didn't need to put in very much effort to accomplish that.

These idiots couldn't even do a field trip to the Virginia office without screwing up an entire investigation and almost getting one of their own killed. Why? Because Parrish (it was her turn in this episode, it happened in virtually EVERY episode), thought the BRANCH DIRECTOR handled an interview wrong, and had to 'solve it herself'. Instead - she nearly got one of her partners killed, and blew the investigation.

That was a theme the entire season. One member didn't trust another, and because they were nosy, or 'wanted to find out the secret', they made matters worse. I wouldn't want anything to do with these 'heroes', who seemingly see conspiracies under every rock, and regardless of friendship, instructions, or in some cases, ORDERS, can't mind their own business and make things worse. All the while being unable to solve or stop any of the attacks. Even the nuke went off. Good for them Liam (who somehow was secretly able to acquire PLUTONIUM ) seemingly had the lowest grade nuke in the history of nuclear weapons. The only casualties, other than Simon, where an SUV and some pond scum. Unbelievable.

No wonder Liam tried to burn down this version of the FBI. It's a complete and utter dysfunctional mess. I wouldn't hire any of these people to manage/protect a garage sale.


Except Liam wasn't the one planning the teaching - Miranda was until she was kicked out. And most of the really dumb lessons like kicking Simon out because he actually did what he was told were her ideas.


Yeah, but Liam was involved in a lot of the hands on teaching.


If you want to max out the thread, reply to yourself and stop spamming my inbox with empty replies.


He's back!
RabbiTest - you DO realize that NOBODY out here cares about this thread since you essentially destroyed it. You act as if you are some kid playing to some crowd. Deal with the fact you're not. All I'm doing is expediting the closure of this thread which is what would have inevitably happened anyway with the back and forth you engaged in over the last 2 months here. Deal with that, don't deal with that, it's up to you. But don't act like anyone here cares about this. Because if there's one person that does, I'd be shocked. People gave up on this thread LONG ago. But apparently you're narcissism has led you to believe you are crusading here. Let me be clear - you are not. All that's going on here right now is, I'm F^cking with you - to end this thread so nobody has to keep seeing your valueless posts.
Have a nice day.
I know I don't care what a not-completely hinged barking hypocrite thinks, nor does when he tries to throw his weight around and then shrinks away with silly pronouncements and self-backpats.

If you believed what you say you wouldn't feel the need to continually declare it to try to recover some face. 


{I've never in my life seen a more miserable lot of people}...

..then you haven't seen '24'...the most unbelievable crock of characters, supposedly upholding the law, when many, every time...haphazardly helping the bad guy more than the good guy. They fight over who gets to let the villain escape...and those are the good episodes!

I honestly believe the writers of 24 and quantico were having too many cocktails one evening before quantico's conception...
The 24 writers must've mentioned something to 'Q's' writers "Man, you guys need to hop on this bandwagon. You won't believe what the public is suckling on. They will believe absolutely anything you toss at them, no matter how unbelievable. I mean I got guys shooting 35 bullets from a 10 round pistol without reloading. My main character who's a certfified marksman can't hit any one of 20 villains at 30 feet, yet I have him picking the same guys off one at a time from a hundred yards away. Oh yeah, we have his daughter kidnapped and rescued at least a dozen times in the span of a few episodes. The president in our show has a wife who is such an evil person...everyone can see it...except the president! The public is eating this tripe. You gotta jump on the boat before they come to their senses!"

So yeah, censorshipsucks06...I unfortunately have seen worse.
What gets me is how these unbelievable shows get past the network execs and get on air in the first place. If this is the pinnacle of the writing capabilities of TV these days, then toss it all and give us Columbo reruns. The most unbelievable episode of Twilight Zone is more believable than the best episode of Q or 24.
I'm currentl choking down episode 11 season 1. What I don't get is they've blown up a building in New York, and they're leaving it to FBI trainees to find the bad guys. Where's the seasoned 30-40 year FBI agents? The twin that really necessary? She must be getting dizzy.
One last thing...maybe 2 or 3...
No seriously...
When they were shown on screen out on the obstacle courses, running, calisthenics...etc...they show the females in these very tight thin strapped sleeveless shirts. While I personally found it extremely wonderful eye candy, would the FBI actually have their female agents in training so scantily clad? I mean, great for me, but you'd think the FBI would be a bit more pc. Boobies bouncing to and fro, no problem for me but I'm gonna bet the FBI would never allow this.
Ok..THIS is the last thing...
Our enemies abroad are gonna watch these miserable examples of law enforcement entities and won't think twice about making an effort to overtake us...thinking we really are this dense.
Of course we're better than this. But why let them even think us this way in the first place. Put on a real believable show. Scare the crap out of those villians. Make them piss their pants with a show that really shows what we're made of.
They see these shows and think we're a joke.
