MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > What do people see in Alex?

What do people see in Alex?

Instructors keep mentioning how wonderful Alex is and that they "see something in her" and that she's a great agent, etc. What exactly is it that they see in her? I agree that she's stubborn and doesn't give up but I don't see anything as far as having above average skill in the other areas.


You just don't have the trained eye of a CIA or FBI instructor...I thought she did a fantastic job posing as a "bad terrorist" in the last two installments...and then again...maybe someone has clandestine plans for her.


Who cares as i see is a smoking hot actress who gets my attention every sunday whenever Alex is on screen i stare at her other characters dont really care lol


Ditto! She is really the main reason I watch the show. Now I finally got caught up with all the episodes and I'm sure I will keep watching to see all the twists like I did last year. But if it wasn't for her I think I would give up on it.


Alex is a terrible agent she can't fight heck she gets knocked out more often than Wes Welker. this season the writing has been terrible I don't think this show is going to last in fact the odds are against it most of the shows on this network and others that run shows they continue the same plot line for the whole season don't seem to last very long because the writing definitely goes downhill the longer the show is on the shows that seem to work the best are ones where the storyline is wrapped up in one or two shows many of them have been on for years but the shows with Continuing Story lines don't laugh


She's got those DSLs


Lipstick 24/7 and tight tshirts on all occasions: that's what's required today to be a good officer


Alex is our main protagonist, she's supposed to be the "hero" but it's getting annoying how it's always "if anyone can save us it's Alex" or "Alex can handle this" I get it - Alex is supposed to be awesome.


Precisely. We're constantly told by everyone, including Alex, that she's so awesome, but there's nothing to actually back that up. It's just because she's beautiful.
