The ratings are terrible, but it seems that several other Sunday night shows aren't pulling in many viewers either. If the show isn't too expensive (compared to other dramas), maybe ABC can live with these low numbers.
Even NFL football ratings have dropped markedly this season. Then there's the continuing fragmentation of the TV market (network, cable, subscription channels like HBO, online programs from Netflix/Amazon/etc.). Ratings may also be dropping because of the contentious presidential election, which is drawing a lot of viewers to news channels and pulling them away from scripted shows and sports.
None of ABC's Sunday shows are doing that well. Quantico's numbers are only slightly off from the ABC Sunday average.
The show could be in trouble, but the circumstances could mean that it survives for another season. Maybe, maybe not.
I saw most of the 1st season. I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes this season, but I haven't seen the past couple yet. Maybe after the election is finally over, I'll get around to catching up with this show. I haven't watched many current shows over the past month because of the campaign (and also because the Heroes & Icons channel is now showing all five Star Trek series six nights a week).