MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > QUANTICO is doomed. Ratings are horribl...

QUANTICO is doomed. Ratings are horrible

Enjoy Quantico while you can. This show is nearly a 100% bet to be canceled. The premiere episode was down over FIFTY PERCENT from last year, and those numbers have slid an additional 30% for the last 3 episodes.

So don't get too attached to this show. It's dying a slow death.


It's her. She is so conceited. On Ellen this week, she talked about she wanted to be an engineer and her mom enrolled her in a beauty pageant. She then said "I know, pretty and smart. That's so rare right?" I loved Ellen's response. No, there are quite a few people that are both.


She is so conceited. On Ellen this week, she talked about she wanted to be an engineer and her mom enrolled her in a beauty pageant. She then said "I know, pretty and smart. That's so rare right?" I loved Ellen's response. No, there are quite a few people that are both.
Seriously? Wow. What a narcissist.


If you want to max out the thread, reply to yourself and stop spamming my inbox with empty replies.


He's back!
RabbiTest - you DO realize that NOBODY out here cares about this thread since you essentially destroyed it. You act as if you are some kid playing to some crowd. Deal with the fact you're not. All I'm doing is expediting the closure of this thread which is what would have inevitably happened anyway with the back and forth you engaged in over the last 2 months here. Deal with that, don't deal with that, it's up to you. But don't act like anyone here cares about this. Because if there's one person that does, I'd be shocked. People gave up on this thread LONG ago. But apparently you're narcissism has led you to believe you are crusading here. Let me be clear - you are not. All that's going on here right now is, I'm F^cking with you - to end this thread so nobody has to keep seeing your valueless posts.
Have a nice day.
I know I don't care what a not-completely hinged barking hypocrite thinks, nor does when he tries to throw his weight around and then shrinks away with silly pronouncements and self-backpats.

If you believed what you say you wouldn't feel the need to continually declare it to try to recover some face. 


She's awful.


She's cute though


Not any actor's fault. The writing are garbage.


I just watched that same interview. Didn't get that impression at all. She said her mom enrolled her and had her pictures taken because she thought she was pretty. They joked about priyanka being pretty and acting. I thought she was charming.


According to the Renew/Cancel can go either way.

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.


It is still 84% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Nah, it's doomed for cancellation. Given viewership erosion over time and the fact ABC never ordered more eps, it's a goner. DVR lifts may seem great, but only FOX and CW care about these numbers.It'll probably rate around .5 or .6 by Midseason, and dismally lower after the ridiculous hiatus into the Spring.

If you're frustrated with the show, now is a great time to quit watching because there's no possible way it'll make it to the end of season.


The ratings are terrible, but it seems that several other Sunday night shows aren't pulling in many viewers either. If the show isn't too expensive (compared to other dramas), maybe ABC can live with these low numbers.

Even NFL football ratings have dropped markedly this season. Then there's the continuing fragmentation of the TV market (network, cable, subscription channels like HBO, online programs from Netflix/Amazon/etc.). Ratings may also be dropping because of the contentious presidential election, which is drawing a lot of viewers to news channels and pulling them away from scripted shows and sports.

None of ABC's Sunday shows are doing that well. Quantico's numbers are only slightly off from the ABC Sunday average.

The show could be in trouble, but the circumstances could mean that it survives for another season. Maybe, maybe not.

I saw most of the 1st season. I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes this season, but I haven't seen the past couple yet. Maybe after the election is finally over, I'll get around to catching up with this show. I haven't watched many current shows over the past month because of the campaign (and also because the Heroes & Icons channel is now showing all five Star Trek series six nights a week).


It picks it all up in the +7 DVR Ratings each week.


In the 18-49 Demo it increases by 143% and overall it goes up 90% from 2,790,000 to 5,296,000 gaining 2,506,000, it's the 3rd highest percentage gainer behind Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D and The Blacklist.

Edit: Though it doesn't make the Top Ten On Demand List (which includes catch-up and streaming, however the lowest in that is 15 million odd:


It's hard to say. The DVR+ numbers do help; but ABC has a terrible habit of pulling the trigger quickly (usually in the first season though) with shows like Zero Hour and Forever.

Essentially re-doing the first season with minor variations and new characters was an AWFUL call. A lot also depends on the ownership of the show etc.

Observer brings up a good point. Why did everyone all of a sudden decide 'all' the shows needed to be on Sundays? Football, most of the premium cable shows, etc. HBO colonized Sundays early on because it was a 'dead' night, now everything considered 'prestige programming' is on Sundays.



I couldn't agree with you more and have said so many times. I do think they meant THIS to be an ongoing series; but totally messed it up.

I also agree about Under the Dome. They messed that one up pretty awfully.

In addition to one-offs (single seasons), I think a lot of these shows would be better off with shorter seasons. Quantico seems extremely padded. Imagine if it had been 13-16 episode seasons? As an example, I'd point to the last season of 24, which I think was 12 episodes. While it dispensed with the 1 hour=1 hour premise, I thought it was much better. It dispensed with all the ridiculous digressions and subplots.

I can't speak to your last points. I have no idea what that's about.


Quantico WAS a padded show in the first season. They got an order for 5-6 extra episodes after they started airing and clearly weren't ready for it.


True, but that's how nearly all network shows work; they get an initial order then a nod for a full season, so I expect they were ready. Last season didn't seem more padded than the average network 22-24 episode show. Re-doing the same stuff this year does however.


Ratings are horrible because the writing is horrible.


Yay!, so glad to hear it. After showrunner Josh Safran's stating "that one of the major rules for Quantico is that it never feature a Muslim terrorist," I'll be glad to see the back of this politically correct, a/k/a factually incorrect program.
