MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > Sebastian and Harry kissed. I will take ...

Sebastian and Harry kissed. I will take those two over Alex and Ryan.

To be honest I think this "relationship" is a lot better any other on Quantico this season. I mean even the main plot and flashbacks to the present are not so interesting any more.

To be real I feel like Sebastian's and Harry's story line is the best one in the whole season. Whenever I watch an episode I'm sitting at the edge of my seat waiting for one of them to just "explode". Those two are engaging and interesting to watch compered to Alex and Ryan who supposed to be main characters for god's sake. Even the scenes with Alex and Harry are better then Ryan.

The best thing is that Harry is the kind of character that you love and hate at the same time while Alex is just annoying, Ryan is boring and Miranda basically doesn't exist anymore.

God... What happend to Quantico.


I love seeing Harry and Sebastian! I was so surprised to see them kiss! So, did they do more than that in the times since? They definitely seemed different.

Guilty secret: I also love Alex and Ryan together.
