MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > Am I the only one who is just lost this ...

Am I the only one who is just lost this season? WTH is going on?



No. It doesn't help that they're wearing masks. And then it jumps back and forth in the timeline. Don't know who to trust or how to follow this story. Hopefully it will get better or else it would be a case of having to rewatch all of the episodes at the end of the year to try to figure everything out. Glad I'm not the only one!


it's the same as last season. Active terror plot going on with unrelated flashbacks with recruits to kill time!


Not so difficult to watch 2 different stories...the same characters are in both..


I think the flashbacks develop the characters and the relationships between one another for the viewer. They just seem to provide lots of info for understanding the people and their actions. Just thought I would share that point of view. Thought it might help. I'm having a bit of trouble keeping pace with all of this also. But, for some reason I am interested enough to stay with it. I seem to need to know what's next:)


OMG! No, you're not the only one. I came here to say I don't know if I'm not smart enough to follow along or if it's just that the show is confusing. I'm not enjoying it at all because I don't know what's going on. At this point I'm just watching for Blair Underwood.


No clue what's going on.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.


It's worse this season than last season. I am definitely lost.

How to Get Away With Murder does flashbacks but it's much easier to tell what is going on each week.

I assume Miranda is a "bad guy" but one can never tell with all the flipping back and forth.


I'm mostly following, but the one thing I'm really confused about is that I thought Alex killed Leigh, and now she's back with the hostages, and then it looks like she got killed by the throat thing...? Help?

Also, I'm guessing Miranda looking like she's a bad guy is a red herring. This further solidified this thinking tonight, when at the end of the episode, they said something about she's "one of them". Now I'm thinking maybe the actual purpose of the terrorists is to find out who's in the AIC, and that they aren't the AIC themselves. But who knows. It's definitely more confusing this season than last.


I agree its as though there are 2 different terrorist groups as it seemed, correct me if I am wrong, that the terrorists were looking for the drives but Lydia took them so she isnt on Alex or the terrorists side also when Raina was talking to Nimah and came out and said she isnt one of them and started crying I got really confused....


Raina is trying to keep them from killing her sister, and she is upset that she could not convince her sister to come over to her side. She is upset that she and her sister are so polarized.


It's a PoS narrative structure, by overemphasizing the "training" portion the main, suspenseful narrative, can creep along at a snails pace and does NOT need to maintain logical cohesion or consistency, especially as we're gifted with winter break and spring break in broadcasts. ALSO, this is not backstories of the characters, this is inane CIA training scenarios which is so stupid it numbs the mind and then the attention fades.

I would note that the characterization of each "new" personality has been shall we say pathetic.

Of course, Alex is able take out a half dozen "terrorists" all on her own, and she took out 4 of them at the same time.

I DVR this crapola and fast-forward the "FARM" parts. Mild time pass and diversion, nothing more. Don't try to follow nonsense--it'll only give you a headache.


I DVR this crapola and fast-forward the "FARM" parts.

Same here. And I recommend the practice to everyone who still watches the show.


I thought it was hard to follow last season but this season is completely hopeless. I have no idea what's going on, who's doing what, where it's being done, etc. Hard to decipher when it's a flashback and when it's the present. This show is just a hot mess. I'm pretty sure the 2nd season will be its last.

"Qui conduisait la voiture?"


I feel like it is the exact same plot as last year. But I am confused too, at least on some of it. Why did they take Dayana and Leigh? (I know because of a place they were), but I thought the unmasked were trying to figure out who the masked were, but why did masked take those two? I guess conveniently Leigh won't be in any more flashbacks.


Nope, I'm with the OP.

The first season was "OK", but season 2 is messed up.

Please end this, it's gone "off the rails". The plot in season one kinda made sense. Season 2, I don't follow, it's not coherent.

Let all these poor actors move on.
