Yes. Btw, I've never been to the sun, never walked on it, but gave an extemporaneous talk about the sun in 10th grade. So, please no silliness! The show doesn't appeal to me. Israel was born from murder & theft of their former friends, all into a budding religious & fascist state, doomed to be nothing but trouble in the area, all of which is overly supported financially & otherwise by too many crazed people in the U.S. to suck out as much money & military assistance as possible, and all the while not even being a real friend of the U.S. even attacking their (our) military ship killing/murdering them. All the people I know & many of them Jews (in Boulder, CO.) detest all this. It's a misguided agreement from the get-go which would appear to be made in good intentions but is nothing but hell brewing over. If they wanted land why weren't they given somewhere like North Dakota or some stolen land in Baja (California), Mexico. And then there's the lying invasion into Iraq, & the dumb as* borders that were drawn up in the Middle East, let alone the nefarious, murderous history of the CIA & American intervention. Yikes, & we're suppose to be the "good guys'? Yeah, for the elitist rich & powerful, dominating control freaks. But governments sucks all over so ours aren't all so alone, & it's not all bad - we got Trump (apparently)! Oh, guess it is, & the death wish may continue. But greed & lust for power is like rust = it never rests. And the world's people look to us. LOL.