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Review of john wick part 2: The 2nd fucking film

John Wick 2


-the sequel to the film john wick the first one

-it begins with another russain fuck trying to kill john

-but john kills him in like a minute

-then some italian fuck tries to blackmail john

-but johns like "lol no bitch"

-so giuseppe blows his fucking house up

-and johns like "actually i changed my mind i will help you now"

-and giuseppe's like "wtf that actaully worked??"

-so johns new mission is to kill giuseppes sister

-some past prime italian slag

-so john goes to italy and before he can kill her she kills herself

-but johno decides to shoot her in the head anyway

-you know, just in case killing yourself doesnt result in your death

-so then this slags lover boy is all mad and shit

-but johno doesnt give a fuck and decamps

-and then some mute lesbian betrays john

-and johns just trying to get out of this greasy fucking country

-so john gets back to new york to kill giuseppe

-but giuseppe is a sneaky fuck and goes inside the bar where no murder is allowed

-but johno dont give a fuck and kills him anyway

-and deadwood guy is like "oh shit you don goofed my mans"

-and then he orders johns assassination

-and considering john has killed around 300 fucking people so far

-this guy calls on literally everyone in the world to kill john

-its a fucking overreaction tbh

-anyway so it ends with john trying to get the fuck away from literally everyone in the fucking world

-fucking great film



Demanding someone fulfills their end of a contract isn't blackmail.
