MovieChat Forums > Limitless (2015) Discussion > New TV Show Watching Strategy

New TV Show Watching Strategy

Reduce the Number of Shows to Watch.

Be careful to commit to any TV show emotionally.

I saw it mentioned other places - Wait a season to get into a show (wait until the show is renewed, then watch Season 1 to build into Season 2)

Any show you are on the edge of whether you should watch or not watch - Don't watch, especially if its not one of the obvious shows the networks will keep even if they aren't good right away - it will be canceled.


yep two years running a show goes a full season then gets canned ! first Forever now this ! it really does suck they does this


Another Forever fan stuck in the same boat as last. I still miss Forever.


Here's another one... 😞


I'm late to the party, but yeah, here's another one. 😑


I'm another one.😞


an other one 😞


I liked forever, but come on, that show killed itself.


And another, this is getting to be beyond a joke especially as the number of really crap reality TV shows that keep on getting made, but I suppose they don't require anyone of any talent to produce.


I think your idea is sound. I recently watched Crossing Lines (2013) that way via download. The first season was great, the second almost as good, however, the third not nearly as good- most of the cast was gone.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


Sounds like I should avoid catching up on that one as I really liked the first season. For a long time I just assumed it had been cancelled and only recently looked it up to shockingly discover that was not the case, and was considering finding an online source to watch it. Given the number of shows that quickly went downhill after a great start, I think I'm better off leaving it lie. Thanks for the heads-up.


I enjoyed the first season best. Then Netflix put up the second season, but there were technical issues and I got tired of trying again and again. I finally watched it, and enjoyed it enough to finish the season, but it wasn't as good as the first season.

I started the third season, but so many actors had gone and the new group just didn't have the same ensemble feel as the first. I have yet to get past the 2nd or 3rd ep.


My strategy for the last 3 years has been to avoid all new shows on ABC, because it has been my experience that they are the worst with canceling too quickly, and without remorse. If a show makes it 3 full seasons, I will watch. Or, if it didn't, if it at least got a proper finale, I might watch. So far, nothing has passed the test. Nashville was the very last ABC show that I started new, and it was just canceled with barely any warning, and much too soon. Luckily, I guess they filmed several endings, since they didn't yet know if they would be renewed. So at least that's something.

I'm far less upset about Limitless, mostly because I felt like it was a year of so much wasted potential. I had high hopes for it, but it let me down most weeks. I'm not surprised it was canceled. What I'm surprised about is that they didn't do a better job with it.


My NEW strategy is just DVR (after many of the new shows I liked this season got cancelled) any of the new shows that look interesting, I'll wait until season ends and if I hear it's cancelled, delete all the recorded episodes without watching a single one. Nothing invested, nothing lost. Worked well so far with Containment, Game of Silence, Heartbeat. y DVR is taking a beating though :(


Very good idea. Definitely saves the emotional investment if it gets canceled.


While I appreciate and share your frustration, under this scheme I'd never have seen Forever or Limitless. I enjoyed them both. My frustration that they were both cancelled is less than the enjoyment I took from watching them.


This strategy only works if a majority of people watch the show live or on dvr if they count them in, otherwise there most likely will not be a second season due to lack of viewers because everyone is waiting to watch until it gets renewed. Its a catch 22

We accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potato. You have about three seconds to live.


Yeah but in no way am I subscribing to the idea that we should all sit down and watch because otheverything in case a show is good otherwise *beep* TV execs will cancel it.
They are the ones with the problem, they care only about ratings and ad money and don't give a crap about the viewers. In my mind people should just not watch any new shows at all, leave them without their precious ratings metrics to sell to advertisers and maybe they'll actually get replaced by people who know what the hell they are doing and will make TV shows based on what's good and not what they think will sell best to advertisers regardless of quality.


Unfortunately I didn't read your warning first. I literally finished the last episode of Limitless about five minutes ago. I came here to find it's been canceled. I'm pretty pissed about this.


That's me right now too. I just finished binge-watching it on Netflix. :(

Check out my multicouples vid!


I just finished watching it and just realized they weren't making another season. Fortunately the show didn't end with any real cliff hangers.


Glad to hear it! I'm only about halfway through, but now I will finish it.

