not a shock, CW just got Supergirl, thought its figures are better than most of the stuff renewed


Just saw it got cancelled. It isn't a very good show anyway.


We should boycott Supergirl when it moves to CW. That awful show took the spot of a much better show.



I'm bummed. I liked it.



Everybody I know likes it. There are too many superhero show on CW. It will backfire next season. Beside The Flash, all other three shows will suffer severe decline on ratings.


I am saddened after learning they cancelled the show. No, it wasn't perfect, but what is. I enjoyed it. What I hate is getting vested in a series then it's cancelled, bummer!


Not a shock? Because it was a load of rubbish. I just watched one episode which spent the last 15 minutes watching a woman spewing blood all over the place and eventually died. FFS is this supposed to be entertainment? Rubbish. Rubbish. Rubbish. Good riddance. If I wanted to see so much blood I'd go look in a slaughterhouse.


i know they picked up supergirl, but this show was pulling in more viewers than some of the other CW shows.

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~


I was under the impression this was only a one season type of show for it being a miniseries.


maybe it was. i just know that it had limited commercials or whatever they were saying.

nvm just saw a promo for it. it is a limited series event.

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~


I can't believe they even aired one season, pure trash.


I even liked the last episode and now when I learn they not gonna renew it with new season I find it hard to watch it till the end of season 1.


they cant really make a second season yet because its under contract to follow the story line of the belgian tv show Cordon & they havent started making their second season yet


I liked Containment.

It had good production values overall and an interesting premise, but slow and steady doesn't always win the viewers' ratings race especially when competing against more established viral shows like The Last Ship.

I see containment's biggest problem being the inconsistent pacing spending a little too much time on the relationship drama between its weaker characters which downplays the severity of the epidemic.

Character development is important, but in a genre like this with a constant menace you need a strong threat to keep audiences invested into the events and character decisions so they have anticipation to hold them over in the show's less interesting moments.

At times the sense of conflict from the virus doesn't seem worse than just a really bad flu outbreak. There are too many weak moments that end up being subversive to the idea that this could explode into a global pandemic. It just doesn't seem likely.

The network had a logistics dilemma and to make room for Supergirl, a better show imo and one which is pulling in the ratings, one of the CW's other productions had to get the axe in a move to cut the programming fat.

A show like containment which cannot identify any type of consistent audience base and suffering from declining ratings week over week was pretty much doomed. The numbers simply weren't there.

It was a business/marketing decision more than anything. If I were the CEO of CW I would have done the same and downgraded containment to a limited series event as well.

Better pacing and more intensity would have accomplished miracles for this show. A different CW show might have gotten the axe instead.


Well, I guess now I'll need to catch up on the other TV virus show, The Last Ship.


Well how long can the show going on about a virus spreading around.

