Good show acting wise, but weird...
I love all tecacting, but some of the scenes just make no sense. I knoe that some stuff will be left open so we come back for more, but still. For example, how is dude going to just walk into a store literally right across the street from his kid, rob said store, end up back at the same park RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET and no cops?
Even though I get they tried to make like he circled the block or whatever to end up back at the same park where all the other people are now gone (time lapse?), cops would have come and asked if anyone knew or saw anything yet there is still a small kid just left in the park alone? Did he really rob the store or did he stop himself after showing the gun?
After two episodes, I expected to at least know who all the parents are and where they are. Seems crazy to me the dad died and all Charly mom could do was send flowers, flowers Charly didn't even know were coming from her own mom?
If the dad was such this great man as so many keep saying, why neither of his baby mommas showed up? Why it seems that NONE of his children OR Aunt Vi gave a crap about him?
NOBODY in his family knew his farm wasn't producing crops for at least 2 years. Therefore, NOBODY had even been by his house and if they did they didn't have any real conversation about his business or his life. NOBODY knew he was working as a janitor and probably had at least been doing that for a year or so.
So many things made no sense script wise to me. In episode 1 they arecall embracing Charly as she cries, then in Episode 2 it seems like the next day they were shunning her. That confused the hell out of me. Maybe it was meant to.
Why do I get the feeling that as much grif as the dude gives his baby momma not to see her son Blue, he probably the one got her hooked on drugs in the first place before going to jail?