Love This Show

Great Cast
Great Acting
Great Story Line
Great Cinema
and yes I can hear every word those people committing need a new TV set.
I give it a 10 something TV needed
Ralph Angel love him
Blue love that kid
Charlie love her
and the other sister name I can't think of this second like her character
and Aunt Vy is everybody's aunt No we don't have no tea lol Aunt's don't
play when you messed up in the family.


Me too.

Watching this last episode, I exclaimed out loud, "finally"! Yes, finally, we see a smart woman caring for her body. Charlie said, "test for everything." On another show I watch, the lead female character, also an attorney, was bent over the dining room table by her married live-in boyfriend in the morning, they broke up in the evening, and she was in bed with a previous ex later that same night. ewww lol

The other sister name I can't think of this second like her character
= Nova

And yes, I guess it's going to take more than three episodes for Ralph Angel to grow up. He needs to let go of that stupid pride and accept his ignorance so he can learn something before wasting a lot of money and losing the farm (literally).

This is good drama though I have one complaint. I hate having to wait a whole week between each episode. From the preview, next week looks explosive. I wonder what basketball player did.


On another show I watch, the lead female character, also an attorney, was bent over the dining room table by her married live-in boyfriend in the morning, they broke up in the evening, and she was in bed with a previous ex later that same night. ewww lol

I know what show you're talking about and I find that show has a lot of gratuitous sex, but I think TPTB thinks that's what the audience wants.

This is good drama though I have one complaint. I hate having to wait a whole week between each episode. From the preview, next week looks explosive. I wonder what basketball player did.

I know. I'm looking forward to the next episode also.

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama


by Top_Shelf
» Thu Sep 22 2016 10:05:49 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since April 2011
Me too.

Watching this last episode, I exclaimed out loud, "finally"! Yes, finally, we see a smart woman caring for her body. Charlie said, "test for everything." On another show I watch, the lead female character, also an attorney, was bent over the dining room table by her married live-in boyfriend in the morning, they broke up in the evening, and she was in bed with a previous ex later that same night. ewww lol

Uhhh, what show was THIS might I ask? :O




Great Cast......

I loved your whole post. I completely agree.

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama
