Can someone explain all the different accents? I don't hear one from Remy, Charlie I understand why she doesn't have hers. Vi has one somewhat, Nola I can hear hers. Ralph Angel seems to have the thickest! He also seems to be the whiniest in the bunch!
At least Rutina's accent is bearable. When she played another Louisianna based character, Tara in True Blood, her accent grated like nails on a chalkboard. She was more Foley, Alabama than Bontemps, LA.
Well to be honest, everybody on True Blood was probably coached to be as bad as possible so that leads Anna Paquin as Sookaaaaaay and her boytoy Vampire Bill (I can't remember the guy's name and since I haven't had to suffer his presence in years, I don't care to) wouldn't sound as horrific as they were. Sheesh.
Carrie Preston and Nelsan Ellis were probably the best accents in TB.
I know this may not be popular opinion in this group but of the NOLA/BR folks I know, RA's is the most authentic among them, although he overdoes it at times. I understand why Charley & Micah wouldn't have one, same for Remy. But Hollywood, Vi & Nova barely has one. KeKe should have an accent, but I didn't hear it. Blue is played by a child actor so he get's a pass.
I thought Ralph Angel the most authentic as well but then the Jacob Boudreaux (the owner of the sugar mill) shows up last week and blows everyone out the water. The actor sounds like he spent a month with Harry Connick Jr.
The only Louisiana accent I've heard is that guy with the mohawk and tattoos that comes to buy weed from Nova and told her about Too Sweet being in the shelter. Ralph Angel's accent sounds more like a deep Mississippi accent than a Louisiana accent and so does Vi and Hollywood.
The guy who buys weed from Nova accent is authentic. He is a New Orleans native and local actor. I agree with you about Ralph Angel's accent. It is not a Louisiana accent and he over does it sometimes.
Actually, I'm glad they didn't fake it. Not EVERYBODY from Louisiana has an accent. Actually, Hollywood sounds JUST like a lot of guys I grew up with in north Louisiana. And really, Ralph Angel's accent is pretty good but sometimes he lays it on too thick. I don't know about y'all but I am SO tired of the stereotypical way the entertainment industry portrays people from the south. It makes the show cheesy and fake. Forcing them and making them sound like they are "from Louisiana" would take away from the storyline; especially since those actors are not from Louisiana. Y'all know we would be spending more time talking about how bad they sound! Lol! I know because I've done it.
Now, what they could have done is allow them to use more sayings and words associated with Louisiana. "Hey bra", hey sha/che, baaay-bea, "yes indeed", "I need to go make groceries", and ending some sentences with a question mark even though it's not a real question.
When I think NO accents, I think of that flat drawn out "a" they do in words ex: pronouncing baby "beby", lady "ledy". The only time I've heard this is when the guy Nova interviewed for the prison story pronounced isolation "ice-a-laaaay-shun". Red calling Too Sweet "Woadie" when he came to tell Nova about him going crazy in the shelter seemed pretty authentic dialect for the area.
Actually, I'm glad they didn't fake it. Not EVERYBODY from Louisiana has an accent.
I agree. I've traveled a lot, and I must say not everyone in the corner of the world are going to sound alike.
They would have to be in some isolated spot to have a strong similarity. When I go to Louisiana, I don't hear all of these strong accents that are distinctive to the area. There are some, but just there are just as many that don't.
I actually think Ralph Angel's accent is exaggerated. He also talks too slow. Louisiana accents are not as "drawl" heavy as you find in Georgia or Alabama. And I find that the cadence of people from Louisiana is quicker.
I have relatives from Louisiana. I can't understand half the things they say. And its not the accent so much as it is the speed with which they speak. It's quick and rhythmic. Granted they are from southern Louisiana. I'm not totally sure where the show is supposed to take place at.
Keke and they guy that buys weed from Nova are the most authentic, because they are actually from New Orleans. Jacob Boudreax (spellcheck) also had a good take on a NOLA accent. Ralph Angel's can be a little exaggerated.