Let me guess
Let me guess..... and hour and a half of whining and the usual "poor is me". It looks very annoying.
shareLet me guess..... and hour and a half of whining and the usual "poor is me". It looks very annoying.
shareNo, not at all. I was blown away by it.
shareYour guess would be stupid, OP.
Delete your account.
Hmmm...whining, "poor me", annoying...check, check, and check. Congrats, OP. Usually when imdb jerks describe a movie that way, it tends to be something I end up loving. With delightfully likeable, relateable characters who ::gasp:: actually seem realistically quirky, flawed, and human. So thanks - you just made me want to see this even more. I think you just helped an indie filmmaker sell a ticket - pat yourself on the back and treat yourself to a chalupa! Maybe even a FULL pack of cigarettes! After all, at least its not a movie featuring a bunch of tired, depressing, traditional, unrealistic "alpha male"/macho douchebag archetypes I can't relate to, like you find in most mainstream Hollywood stuff. Why people put that crap on a pedestal is anyone's guess. You've certainly got me. If it was up to me, the megaplexes would mostly show films like this. It would be glorious. The underdogs and misfits rise up to usurp the Big Dawg capitalist pigs. Occupy Megaplex, haha. Trademark that. So yeah - think I'll just go see this. I'm SO there. Anything to "annoy" overly negative, pretentious buffoons :-)
"I like you 'cuz you're real. You don't pretend you've got it all figured out like everyone else."
Nope, that's actually not what the movie's about at all.
Oscar Worthy Superheroes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZuqdaO0Sgg