MovieChat Forums > Second Chance (2016) Discussion > Otto is the worst part of this show

Otto is the worst part of this show

I like this show, it's a lot of fun and pseudo sci-fi but Otto's character is so annoying and only serves and an impediment to the plot in every episode. That's all he is, just someone that pops up to occasionally cause trouble, it's so one dimensional and his scenes really bring the show down in my opinion.

The other leads are all fine, for as absurd as the plots and dialogue can be they deliver them well. The lead actress Mary is gorgeous (and the daughter isn't half bad either, she's 19, I can say that!). But every episode I'm just waiting for someone to finally smack the crap out of Otto. I know he has some sort of mental disorder but they need to find a way to make his character less despicable because right now he has no redeeming qualities other than being a genius. If this show gets a second season I'd like to see his character handled as intelligently as he's supposed to be.


Otto is the evil sociopathic rich genius bastard. He has a lot of potential for being an ongoing villain and fago.


Otto is just a rich brat who has always had his sister to himself. He also seems a little socially underdeveloped. His character, liked or not, adds something to the show.


Yeah and you would think he would be jealous of Mary's boyfriend b/c he takes sometime away from Otto as well. I want Arthur to "rat out" Alexa for being in the "wrong part of the house", when will Arthur bring this matter up to either Mary and/or Otto; Alexa was in a place that ONLY Mary/Otto have access to so why hasn't this wonderful "watch dog aka Arthur" say - oh btw Alexa was in the...... so that they can investigate why she was there???


Otto seems to symbolize the jealous brother


I actually think Otto makes the show even better. His dislike towards the sheriff and possessive behaviour towards his sister adds conflict. It makes me wonder what he's going to do. I feel like he will cause alot of trouble all because he wants his sister to himself.


Someone gets it!

But while he might dislike Jimmy, it's actually pure unadulterated TERROR that he's feeling. He's had to rely on his sister for so long, he's terrified of the status quo changing in any way.

Fascinating character :D


LOL, I literally just got done posting a thread titled "otto is killing this show.

and sure enough another person recognizing this guy is killing the show. He needs to chill his little emo ass out. Dude literally acts like a 5 year old child.

Him not liking Jimmy is fine. Him also not liking to help is also fine. But the writers really did terrible in dealing with it. Instead of using it for some story progression they literally just wrote it like a 5 year old having a temper tantrum. Oi..


I think the writers are trying to portray him as a highly intelligent individual who's somewhere on the autism spectrum who has very anti-social behavior...but they just made him sooooo unlikable in every way. If they'd made him a little goofy or awkward I think it'd do wonders for his character development, instead they're trying to make him into a super Sheldon Cooper individual. I think they should get the advice from behavioral specialists to learn how to add dimension to his character so he stops coming off so one-note.

But the people who think he's some evil sociopath don't understand the character whatsoever in my opinion. It's clear he's being portrayed as someone with autism.


Unfortunately, I'd have to agree with the theme of this thread.

Last week's episode was suppose to humanize him showing how he "killed" his parents but with him acting out in critical moments of the Sheriff's mission it really makes the character unlikable.

His points are somewhat valid: They gave Pritchard a "second chance", shouldn't that be enough? Why should he help on cases without being asked just because Jimmy and company want him to? I just wish he would take a stand when someone's life wasn't at stake. When he does it invalidates the whole reason for bringing Jimmy back: It's okay to save my sister's life but everyone else can go to hell? C'mon, for a genius to not get why everyone (including his beloved sister) has a problem with this sort of logic is a major problem with how the show is handling Otto.

The other issue is his relationship with Mary. We saw her promise not to leave him and in the context (the deaths of their parents) it was made it couldn't help but effect Otto deeply. But rather then someone who doesn't want to lose his only remaining family member, he's coming off like a jealous boyfriend, adding an incestuous aspect to the show that doesn't really serve the character.

With the twin-speak, Mary's ill-health, the anniversary of their parents' deaths, etc.; the elements are there to create a sympathetic character in Otto but his tantrums in the midst of life-and-death situations just kill any goodwill the audience might have for the character. Which is sad because in many ways his genius makes his character a lot more necessary to the team than Mary...and yet many on this thread/forum would much rather have the Pritchards flop around solving cases without Otto's tech and genius than have the character on the show.


Keep in Mind: THE REASON THEIR PARENTS DIED: Is because Otto was a major attention whore and a pain in the ass. He wanted the world to orbit around his EGO. His Dad was telling Otto to SHUT THE F UP for the 500th time on the trip when the car crashed and the parents died.


Keep in Mind: THE REASON THEIR PARENTS DIED: Is because Otto was a major attention whore and a pain in the ass. He wanted the world to orbit around his EGO. His Dad was telling Otto to SHUT THE F UP for the 500th time on the trip when the car crashed and the parents died.

I'm pretty sure this wasn't the first time Otto went into his info-dump act. He and Mary were in their teens (or close to it), so if the parents weren't use to their son at this point in history maybe they should've sprung for a sitter.

If we make Otto younger does he get a pass? 'Cause kids annoying their parents in cars seem pretty normal to me.


Otto and Mary looked around 10-12 years old.

Otto's Dad probably just hated his annoying personality, and should have left him on the side of the road earlier during the trip, preferably with a strange man or homeless guy.


His character is along the lines of Abed in Community, super smart, socially awkward because of some form of autism and yet that character is awesome. Otto is annoying and I can't stand him.


Well, Abed is a very sweet guy, probably the nicest character on that show, I think.

Otto is a dick.

"Well, you look like you could use more bad news."


Which is why I said Abed was awesome. He was my favorite character on that show.



"What am I gonna put on my résumé? Whore?"


But the people who think he's some evil sociopath don't understand the character whatsoever in my opinion. It's clear he's being portrayed as someone with autism.
Why do people keep saying this as if he can't be both? HE CAN BE BOTH.

In fact I think it's a major ongoing plot point that his atypicality blinds Mary to Otto's selfish, sneaky, dishonest, amoral nature. She puts everything down to his being "different," never realizing he is also a terrible person.

"Well, you look like you could use more bad news."


Because he hasn't actually done anything "evil". Yes he's difficult, stubborn, and possessive...but those are parts of his mental disorder, not chosen behavior. Just because he's not a sweethearted goofball like Abed or Sheldon Cooper doesn't make him an evil sociopath, to him his actions are completely logical and it's others that don't understand.

Sure he can be both, I just happen to disagree with you. That's YOUR OPINION, just like this is MY OPINION. Because that's how opinions work.


He threw out Alexa before she was even fully formed, and now he's planning to do the same to Jimmy - which in Jimmy's case, will kill him. He keeps his sister tied to him and prevents her from living her own life. He does this by playing victim, manipulating her, and keeping secrets from her.

Otto is a terrible, terrible person. He is selfish, he may already be a killer and he certainly intends to be one, he is a dishonest schemer, and he cares about no one but himself. All that matters in Otto's world is Otto's needs. His actions demonstrate all of this.

If you choose not to see any of that, that is your prerogative. But an opinion can be wrong, when it is based on ignoring the facts, as here.

"Well, you look like you could use more bad news."


It's not that I don't see it I just understand it in a different context of mental illness. He's not doing any of it to be malicious, he doesn't understand the concept of relationships outside of his relationship to his sister and the idea that he might be losing that one connection he has with the larger world is what's motivating his actions. He's trying to get rid of Jimmy not to kill him but because he threatens the current paradigm he has with his sister.

I think you're choosing to not see any of that. It has nothing to do with ignoring facts, it has to do with understanding motivations for actions, which you obviously do not. As for certainly intends to be a killer...that's just another opinion of yours. One that I once again do not agree of yet. Maybe the story will move in that direction...or maybe it will move in a direction that sees Otto grow as a character and learn to accept relationships outside of his own twin.


You seem to think that staggering selfishness is an excuse for murder.

But it's just a bad thing in itself.

"Well, you look like you could use more bad news."


He hasn't murdered anyone, you're basing your opinion on events that haven't actually happened yet. As much as I dislike the character myself, something we can both agree on even though you seem intent on there being no middle ground, his future actions aren't set in stone. His character can go either way from this point on, as annoying and obstructive as he is he still ends up cooperating and helping ultimately. If he was some evil sociopath intent on murdering everyone as you believe I seriously doubt they'd be able to persuade him into helping each and every time. Which is actually my main beef with him, that at this point his character only exists to pop up to add a bit of obstruction to slow the plot down and add "drama", it doesn't actually change the plot whatsoever. Now if he does go evil or good...that's better than what he is now.




I think evil sociopath is a little redundant. But he is totally a sociopath (or a psychopath, just depends on whether his mind worked like that since birth or just since his parents' death). He views Pritchard as nothing more than a lab experiment, essentially just another of his lab mice. Additionally, he continually tries to impede Pritchard's investigations when lives are at stake, and only ever helps when his sister demands it. To that end, it seems apparent that he doesn't actually care about his sister. What seems like sibling love is actually just Otto being afraid that he'll lose his one and only connection to the outside world. Whenever he gets upset about his sister's illness, it always comes back to a 'what will happen to me when you're gone?' type of thinking. So when he helps Pritchard at his sister's request, he's not actually convinced by his sister about it being the right thing to do. He's actually just afraid that if he doesn't do it that his sister will ostracize him. So at the least he's not just autistic; autism alone doesn't inherently include a lack of empathy.

Otto being a sociopath is further evidenced in this last episode when he essentially decides to dispose of Pritchard since Mary is cured. Actually he said Pritchard would be 'leaving,' but without the tank Pritchard can't survive, so Otto essentially plans on killing him.

Additionally, there's this whole thing with Alexa. Obviously Otto has wronged her in some way, or else she wouldn't be trying to help Graff. Personally I think since she was one of Otto's earlier attempts at bringing people back from the dead, that probably her blood wasn't capable of curing Mary, so he disposed of her. Just like he's planning on doing with Pritchard.


Otto is annoying as *beep*


I agree. His jealous behavior and obsession with his sister is unhealthy.

I liked him better as Timmy on Rules of engagement.


I like him better working at the Speedy Service Station/Mart.


Come on. Have you no understanding of mental illness?

He's the walking poster boy for all things on the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

Having educated myself I find his character fascinating. He's one of the best things about Second Chance, but you won't all see that because you'll find him creepy or weird or - what did you call him... despicable? He's far from despicable.

I'd go into more details, but you seem to be more focused on the fit girls in the show...


Wow you guys are awful, the actor is doing a wonderful job portraying a genius with tremendous social & personality disorders and the trauma from tbeir childhood compounds those issues. Additionally the behaviour you all call childish is in fact another manifestation of his disorder. I hope you all don't have people in your lives with Asperger's or Autism. Plus bag on the writers, he's doing what they right.


I hope you all don't have people in your lives with Asperger's or Autism.
I wouldn't worry. Surely few of them are psychopaths - of which Otto is a perfect portrait.

"Mr. Barba, you're off to a flying stop."


I'm wondering why the hell he doesn't have some sort of therapist. Having a personality or developmental disorder isn't carte blanche to do whatever you want. You can't expect someone with a disorder to act the same way you'd expect someone without one to act but what he needs is to get some help and to try and he doesn't seem to be trying at all. He just sort of tolerates Mary's desire to save people. Admittedly, if someone is going to die right in front of him and he can expend minimal effort to save them he reluctantly does it but the way he acts is just not functional at all.
