MovieChat Forums > Second Chance (2016) Discussion > Thoughts on failed promotion by FOX???

Thoughts on failed promotion by FOX???

I thought I was rather "TV" savvy knowing about a good majority of all the major shows on TV or online streaming....
It is now April and I had NO IDEA this show even existed until now! Wow! And, I'm just speculating here -- But I had a random thought or theory... I like SciFi, Fantasy Action shows, I also like family fun shows.... so it begs to ask -- wouldn't SciFi fans be the best base to advertise too????

Perhaps FOX totally bungled its advertising direction.... I watch alot on SyFy, Science Channel, NatGeo, anything science related or historical documentaries, etc as well as the CW (Flash and Arrow).. So while watching these channels, if this show popped up in a commercial immediately following what i was watching, rest assured I would have been hooked!!! Also, aside from those few main channels I view, I'd say 80% of my viewing is now online (at least the past 6 months). So, I wonder if FOX were to have promoted this show to a different base, maybe it would have found more fans and be more successful???? Admittedly I know how hard it is to gain a loyal following, there could be the greatest written, greatest acted show ever and still fail miserably if it doesn't catch on... Anyways, I guess I am just a lil shocked I never heard of this show...

***And, should I give it a try and start binging it this weekend??? Well, I think I already know what Im going to do... But, still enjoy hearing other peoples thoughts and opinions - thanks!


They must be the worst of the major networks at promoting their own shows. Then on top of that, once they're airing something, they have a notable tendency to start screwing around with its schedule with no notice, so the audience can't find it anymore and assumes it's been canceled before it even happens. It's kind of amazing that anything ever lasts on FOX.

Anyway, yeah, the first season is worth a whirl. It's light fare and not very well thought out; you're going to notice some continuity errors and a couple of real plot holes here and there, and it kinda falls apart at the end of the season. There's too much to tie up and it gets pretty melodramatic. But, great core concept, good cast - especially the women, which is nice - and some real surprises with one character in particular, who turns out to be extremely well written and unexpectedly important. On the whole, worth the price of admission, and good fun.

"Walking, bingo, and getting punched in the head. I know three things you like now."


It's more Amazing that people actually watch it in the first place. I only ever hear bad things about that channel, but they must be able to fund these huge shows in the first place if they hope to cancel them afterwards, so viewers over there must be fickle.

In the UK if you mess with a schedule or cancel something like Firefly your viewers would leave in droves

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


Yes, it's weird that American viewers will keep going back to a network despite a horrendous history. Although, SyFy has lost a lot of viewers for pretty much the same reasons, but then that's a pay channel.

Maybe we just have so many damn people here that for every viewer a major network loses, another one pops up... I don't know. They're all getting gradually replaced by services like Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix anyway.

Myself, I'll still watch things on FOX that look like they might be fun, but I don't go getting attached to them. I go into it figuring from the start that I'll just enjoy this episode, 'cause at any time, there might not be another.

"I know! It takes, like, forever to listen to him."


For never had faith in the show and it showed. It was thrown to the wolves and never had a chance.
