I'm sorry that this is 3 days late and likely posted already.Arthur is supposed to be an A.I. watchdog.Just telling Alexa that she didn't belong in that part of the house doesn't cut it.Arthur should have reported the security breach to the twins and he would even have video records of everything that happened including what was removed.I know the series will likely be canceled but that doesn't mean the writers have to hand over the plug to the network to make it easy for them to pull it.
I'm in full agreement. I thought it strange that Arthur didn't lock her out of the data she was viewing. After all, if she is unauthorized to be there, she is most certainly not authorized to view or copy the classified data.
I'm getting a bit frustrated with the writers. This show has a marvelous premise, but they're constantly shooting themselves in the foot and mising opportunities. They need to decide if this is going to be true sci-fi or a cop show and commit because they are clearly struggling to find a balance.
How a guy on steroids that keep him alive is allowed to screw around and do drugs?
How Mary is willing to take his blood every day when he can be exposing himself to HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes, and any other kind of STDs or other illnesses??
The medical logic of the show is horrible.
Now it is going to be that Alexa is the beneficiary of the fountain of youth, and she is double-crossing Mary so that she can get her old man to be young??
What sense does that make? She should be screwing the other guy, and leave grandpa behind. Even better, she should kill him herself.
That's bothering me too. What was so different about what was done to Alexa, that she isn't reliant on returning to the womb every half-day like Pritchard is? And why didn't they do that same thing with him?
I guess some of these issues are teasers for next season, if it comes to pass.
Alexa seems a bit needy, and I thought she was lezbo for Mary.
Now it seems she is a real player, with her husband/grandfather, Mary, Billionaire-Guy, and perhaps even Otto, who must be tired of spanking his monkey.
Good question, barkbarkwoof. Are we to understand that the prototype is supposed to be more stable than the viable donor? The writers have got to give us greater clarity on all this. Granted, it's science fiction, but it has be rooted in some legitimate theory to carry it.
I got the impression that she was old and sick when he cured her of her ailments and made her a younger version but not dead. Maybe because Pritchard was dead and brought back to life he has to replenish in the tank.
Wonder why Otto kicked her out? With her and the old man I new she was his wife I just thought she was a young woman who married and older man and was trying to find a way to cure him of any ailments.
That's the feeling I got. As he was developing the technology he need people to experiment on and since his sister didn't know about human testing he kept her in the dark. Alexa was probably an old, and possibly ill, woman so he restored her to youthful health. But as Otto pointed out the dead James had a genetic makeup that matched his sister and needed to be brought back to life which I think was Otto's first attempt at that. He in uncharted territory with keeping a once dead man alive.
i immediately thought Arthur would alert the twins of Alexa's security breach. i wonder if it will come up in the next ep or 2. if not, it's a glaring example of bad writing.
Agreed. I can hand-wave a lot, in this kind of light fare, but if that isn't addressed, and soon, it's a serious mistake.
I do think they'll explain why Alexa and Pritchard are so different, I'm not too worried about that (we keep learning more about her), but so far the security breach looks like a plain old big-ass continuity error. And, yes, a genuine plot hole, unless there's some explanation.
"Yeah, it's all fun and games until somebody loses a penis."
Devil's Advocate: Alexa was in an off-limit area but she was also in Jimmy's area. After he helped the "call girl" and bought her home I'm thinking that Mary (who probably doesn't want her or Otto to witness the Sheriff have sex) installed some override that has Arthur file the footage of what happens in Jimmy's area but probably classifies it as private unless otherwise instructed.
As for why Alexa is more stable than Pritchard I'm going with what was noted in this thread that she was a living senior citizen, while Jimmy was a dead man.
What's pathetic, is your strange problem with me updating a thread with the answer, maybe you should consider spending your free time on something more constructive, instead of over reacting like a complete freak with anger management issues.
OMG...here we go with the nit-picking, starting with the OP on down.
Its not a reality show (even those are fake) --- this is a fictious show. You cant say "this would never happen..." or "that couldnt happen.." or "the police and FBI wouldnt do that..." because ALL OF THIS ISNT REAL! Its a made up story broken up into a tv show for us to just watch and enjoy.
If you want to nit-pick, that "Authur" would never exist under NSA, CIA, FBI and yadda yadda. Looking glass is the ONLY company that is run by twins that have access TO EVERYTHING!!!! More than the FBI. They are civilians who hack into classified information. The FBI doesnt even have this to solve all their cases. But here is Duvall who allows it to happen to further is career and solve big cases with his "dad" .... NONE OF THIS WOULD HAPPEN. Soooo just enjoy it for what it is.