MovieChat Forums > Second Chance (2016) Discussion > Not airing all episodes?

Not airing all episodes?

I just checked my dvr's scheduled recordings and episode 11 is listed as the season 1 finale 2 weeks from now. That's not a good sign.


According to wikipedia they reduced the show's order to 11 episodes back in October which is three months before it aired. Which means that they pretty much had no confidence in this show and unofficially cancelled it before anyone even saw it.


Thank you for the info...really wish we could see the other 2 eps though.


It was only ever 11 episodes. Fox wanted 13 but the producers wanted to tell a story and that was in 11 episodes. They asked Fox to cut the number down to 11 and that's what happened.

Any other stories just aren't true - the producers have been saying this since day 1. Sure it could have been by mutual agreement, but the show certainly doesn't look like the story has been hacked up in any way - it's been a progressive flow since episode 1.


I just hope the 11 episode/finale will give the audience closure. I really loved this show and I love the whole plot to the story. This show had a lot of potential, but FOX put it on a crappy night -- I wish SyFy or Netflix would get the rights of the show so they could continue. I love the whole cast and I really love how Pritchard/Mary started fallen for each other, damn that Otto is a nutcase and I haven't watched last night's episode yet b/c I had family obligations. So going to watch now..... I will miss this show so much, I am getting tired of all the shows I watch get canceled all the time; the damn networks don't promote them enough in my opinion.


So... What did you think of Episode 10???



I wish SyFy or Netflix would get the rights of the show so they could continue.

Why do people think Netflix is the savior of cancelled shows? They have never picked up a cancelled network show that was pricey to make that was actually popular..ever.

Except a handful of crappy 30 min sitcoms that could have been funded by a few trips to the blood and semen bank.


I don't know what you mean. Netflix picked up Longmire, one of my favorite shows, and gave us at least one more season.


And it picked up The Killing.
Tho, it wasn't "pricey" if you mean with special effects and computer stuff.

- In my sparetime I like to necro old posts


I am sad to hear that there is only going to be 11 episodes. I really like this show very much. Episode 10 was a great cliff hanger! If next week is really the finale then I also hope that there is good closure.


When I heard it was to be cancelled, I deleted all recording. I only watched one and it was pretty poor. Rob's American accent was hopeless!

