MovieChat Forums > Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (2016) Discussion > 2 White girls don't call for 2 days....

2 White girls don't call for 2 days....

Send in the FBI! In a jet loaded with gear and ground transportation, for a team of crack agents to bring them home!
Oh good God... Who thought riding Criminal Minds coat tails, (again), was a good idea? And with Gary Sinead doing field work, chasing and tackling perps, (without breaking a hip), and casting a chubby chick, who can beat the fit young Asian on the obstacle course and then waddle off to beat him in a foot race back to the locker rooms, (without breaking a sweat or breathing hard)... And hey, let's have her be sassy too! Maybe we can cast "Erkle" as the randy computer geek and play off the Derck and Garcia, theme of sexist banter? Yeah, more bang for our buck. Oh and the audience? Who cares about them, they are idiots that will watch anything we show them... Sure to get Ensure and Geritol, back as sponsors...

8 episodes, before it's shelved. Then again, it's CBS and the average viewer age is 65 so they will have forgotten all about the original Criminal Minds, 15 mins. after it airs...


It's called White Privilege. Get with the program. :)


Ya think they billed them for their rescue?


The black guy is not Urkel he's from the show everybody hates Chris and most recently he was Noah on The Walking Dead.


They are ordinary looking people Just like you and me. Seriously, you are way to harsh in your commentary. Some viewers might think your a bit shallow.
