I'm really liking this show

This is so much better than the other forgettable spin-off (Suspect Behavior?) and I like it better than the one with an international cast set in Europe. I think it was called Crossing Lines.

Anyway, it has a very likeable cast and so far a couple of interesting storylines. I also like how their cultural expert briefs everyone on local customs so as to not insult the locals. Too often we are portrayed as buffoons. I used to live in Venezuela and can confirmed we are viewed as "ugly Americans" -- and often rightfully so.

I think this shows a lot of promise. It might be nice to see some episodes where the police in a foreign country ask for the FBI's help apprehending a rouge American. I'm looking forward to the next episode.


This show is total rubbish.
Lines like:
"I'm unarmed. The last thing you want me to do is bring the full force of the US Government down on you."
Are so laughable. The bad guy who falls for it would be as stupid as the viewer who laps it up.

Garbage TV, waste of a good time slot. Hope it gets cancelled soon.


I like the show. Don't know why people are hating. They are hating on Fear the Walking Dead too which I love that show.


I like it as well, but seems that it's because I know that I'm watching a TV show, and not a documentary :)

Do.Or do not.There is no try.


I loved Crossing Lines I'm not sure what to make of this one so far. I hope it improves.


I thought Crossing Lines was gone. I only watched it in the first season, did not see how it could possibly get picked up. But I just looked it up and I see there have been three seasons! Maybe I should check it out again on Netflix and see if it improved.


I like this one too. I'm glad they didn't use Garcia as tech support for both shows like they did in Suspect Behavior. It's a very likable cast and the stories are interesting.


I like it.

Politicians and diapers need to be changed for the same reason
