MovieChat Forums > Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (2016) Discussion > Did they have to show Mae's first appear...

Did they have to show Mae's first appearence on a training track?

One she would never have used, let alone practiced on? Come on, I trained on tracks less complex than that when I was her age and I had a hard time on them and I was in great shape. No way she would have trained on a harder track let alone competing on the same track with a guy that is extremely fit. Does not compute. Already makes her character seem fake and it is not even her fault. My guess is they had a much fitter actress in play, she didn't work out for what ever reason and they were too lazy to rewrite it. Very unfair to a really new actress!


Yeah, it was laughable. The actress never should have been cast.


No, actually it isn't laughable. Do you even know what the physical requirements are for the various levels and types of agents? This actress could easily pass the basic special agent physical testing. Elite rescue field ops? No, but that's the point. The FBI has a variety of areas requiring different expertise; her position doesn't require the top physical level like hostage rescue does. And if you'd take 1 minute and look at her theater background, you'd see that she is pretty freaking strong.

It's we who can only see tall, thin women as "believable" agents. Which in itself is laughable considering the high heels (usually no and definitely not for field work), short skirts and tight clothes (again, no and not appropriate), and long flowing hair (well, only if you want to be vulnerable to having it grabbed and if your superiors are okay with it being in your face).

Looking for reality? Don't watch TV.


"considering the high heels (usually no and definitely not for field work), short skirts and tight clothes (again, no and not appropriate), and long flowing hair (well, only if you want to be vulnerable to having it grabbed and if your superiors are okay with it being in your face)."


I can't tell you how many times I've seen cop shows where one of the women has long hair hanging in her fact and I thought to myself there is no way a real cop would have her hair obstructing her peripheral vision in a million years. Plus I doubt they are allowed to wear plunging necklines with lots of cleavage exposed. Besides being unprofessional I'm sure it is against the dress code.

But in TV land anything goes apparently including agents having relationships. Bones is the worst for this.

"Vulgarity is no substitute for wit".


I agree 100%. It made me not like her character...


I appreciate that theire stepping outside the typical tall, willowy, model-type for one of their characters. But, yeah, forcing the characterization to be something that it's clearly not will ruin it.

I welcome their attempting to step outside of a stereotype. But leaping out of it just reinforces it.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.



No, it was too far fetched. I am just starting it, but I am not going to write her off for that scene. I am still going to give her a chance.


Not another Penelope, please!


Thing is she said she was the medical examiner, not a field agent in the typical sense. So it's not like she is supposed to be Prentiss or JJ.


She is part of a special team with the sole purpose of field work. I'm rather confident in believing the FBI would've looked for a physically fit medical examiner for that kind of job.


They do stupid stuff like this on CSI Cyber, where they have the huge overweight guy pulling his gun out in the field to pull over criminals, which is ridiculous... they don't have teams for such things so the geek techs are out in the field? I don't freakin think so and it just looks stupid.
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I know that this conversation is from the time of the first episode, but what annoyed me most of all were her French "skills" from the last episode. I already didn't like her for some reason, maybe not necessarily her unfitness, just something was rubbing me the wrong way. But her random interpretation of the french autopsy report was the cherry on top. It certainly did not help matters that whoever wrote that report put minimal to no effort in it - the one word things "asphyxiation", "homicide", etc were correct, but the actual written part of the report had almost nothing to do with the case, was poorly written in most places AND was the exact same for both women (even the examination of the mouth, which for the second woman would have been impossible, since the killer took the head). I mean, it's French people, chances are that a good part of your audience does speak the language and it should be fairly easy to find someone to write a proper report for you. And having Mae be the one to pull non-existent information out of her ass made her all the more annoying for me.
