Borders vs Minds - a quick list of my pros and cons for each show.
I've watched every episode of both shows, and last week randomly re watched several 'Minds' episodes from seasons 1-4 that perked my interest - so just a quick opinion of what each show does well (or not).
Minds - pros
- Continued emphasis on character development and depth.
- Cast chemistry.
- In-jokes without falling into parody.
- Hits the heights often enough to keep interest levels from waning.
Minds - cons
- Increasingly inconsistent quality on an episode by episode basis.
- Less drama/tension in later seasons, and more 'unsub by numbers'.
- Revolving door of new characters since the introduction of Rossi.
- Less character development and sense of purpose/future over the last year.
Borders - pros
- Great premise, mixture of locations and the novelty factor.
- Cop show/procedural veterans in Sinise and De Garza, so easy to watch.
- Unsubs and plots seem to have more depth than on Minds at the moment.
- Violence and gore resembles early Minds episodes and less watered down.
Borders - cons
- No character development, background or depth whatsoever. It still feels a bit like I'm watching the leads from CSI: NY and Forever in a parallel universe.
- Doesn't feel like an ensemble cast.
- A sense this show won't last.
Basically, I do find this a bit more entertaining than Minds at the moment, but I'm not convinced it's anything other than the novelty of a different country/location each week, rather than any quality.. so whether it will sustain my interest, we'll see.
I do feel however, the producers/network have missed a trick and haven't tried to copy the success CSI and NCIS have had with their brands. Both of those shows spawned 2 popular spinoffs. Borders (and the other one from a few years back) feel a bit like vanity projects rather than genuine attempts at a long term sidekick to the main show.