MovieChat Forums > Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (2016) Discussion > How many languages is Clara supposed to ...

How many languages is Clara supposed to speak?

We know she's a polyglot. So far, we've seen her speak Thai, French, Japanese, Hindi? Is there gonna be an episode in some country which official language she does not speak? LOL

~El pueblo unido jamás será vencido~


However many non-English speaking countries the writers decide to set their episodes in, for however long the show lasts.


Hahahaha! 😂😂😂
Prob true lol

~El pueblo unido jamás será vencido~


The real question is: Do any of the other members of the team speak a language other than English? (Does Simmons even speak English, for that matter?) They are supposed to be the best people available for this job, but other than Clara they have less range than a high school student and are entirely dependent on her. How did they even work while she was on sabbatical?

It shoudn't be difficult. Make Clara the best at languages if you want and an expert on Asian languages even. But make a distribution of other languages among all members. Have one that speaks French, a different one German, another Spanish, think whatever reason to justify it. This way, a different agent would take the lead every episode and the investigations would be less repetitive.

This episode they had Mae commenting that she took French on high school and could read the coroner's report as a result. That's fine. So take her to the mental ward and use her as your translator there as well, instead of making it Clara again. Or in case you think Mae's actress has her paycheck justified already, make Simmons or Jack himself fluent in French too. It isn't really the most obscure of languages.

Why was Jack made leader of this team by the way? So far, it seems it was just because he was the only old white guy available. Maybe someone murders Jack in the series finale and we discover that it was Clara who did it, for keeping her from a well deserved promotion.


Not only that, but those 4 languages are unrelated to each other. Many polyglots will be able to speak/understand several closely related languages - for example. French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.. or Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and German.. but it's rare to have someone conversationally fluent in several completely unrelated languages, especially at a days notice.

Still.. at least to my ignorant ears, she's doing a passable job at mimicking them. It could be a lot worse.


Many polyglots will be able to speak/understand several closely related languages

Very good point. I'm multilingual myself and I'm definitely better at Romance languages (derived from Latin), hence my excellent knowledge of Portuguese, Spanish, and (once upon a time when I had practice) French + Italian.

Germanic or Asian languages have a completely different grammar structure, it's not even about the phonetical aspect. Once you become proficient in 2 or more languages of the same group, yoour brain becomes... sort of "wired" for those patterns in grammar and vocabulary, etc. I still remember some German from HS and college but it takes me a lot of effort to even form a grammatically correct sentence in my mind because I've got too used to the structure of Romance languages.

~El pueblo unido jamás será vencido~


While by no means fluent in any of these languages, I've learned: Italian, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Indonesian. Many of them are not similar at all to another language in that list but somehow you can still see some similarities and real linguistic people, (not me) sees how language is structured and it doesn't matter if they know the meaning of all the words, they understand the function of the words in the sentence and can figure it out pretty easily from there.

I thought the pathologist was able to speak French, she "read" the autopsy reports. Also that famous Korean-American actor was able to speak Japanese when they went to Japan, I might be mistaken though.

I don't know any of their names, I don't pay that close attention to the characters.

Also the guy from Everybody Hates Chris and Walking Dead says "Hello" in each language of the country they're off to. I know it's by no means fluency in any of those languages, they do at least try to add a little here and there.

I don't know if the main guy can speak any language besides English either.

Am I missing anyone?

"I totally saw his wolf junk"


Hindu isn't a language, it's a religion.


Hindu isn't a language, it's a religion.

Thank you!


na..Hindi/Urdu are the languages..

some from there, try to tell you 'Bengali" is a separate language...I doubt that it's officially clasified as such...a bit like saying Sicilian isn't Italian, I figure..Tamil I am unsure of if recognized in it's own right.


In the pilot, she said that she's fluent in 3 languages (besides English, I assume) but so far, she's spoken 6 in 6 episodes

name the movie or tv quote
This is something. The MEANS something.


It's probably meant to be that she learned three more languages while she was on leave, but it was poorly written nonetheless.

The decision to air the episodes out of order is harming this show, by the way. This past episode in Belize was supposed to air after the premiere originally, and it is evidenced in the way Clara is still trying to adjust back to the team and Mae is making an effort to bond better with her. That car scene made it clear that Clara is the lovechild of Reid and Prentiss. Airing it first would have eased the transition to seeing her reading Hindi in one episode and speaking French in another like it was the most common thing. I still hope that they make her not fluent in a very big, obvious language (Spanish would be the perfect choice, given the hilarity potential and the irony of the actress being Hispanic but not the character).


Well, she understands Spanish (or not - some of the Spanish used this episode was terrible) but she talked to the unsub in English. I was so glad when Matt spoke Spanish. He was almost useful. Now praying for a Season 2 episode in Korea so he can be the "Clara" there.


That car scene made it clear that Clara is the lovechild of Reid and Prentiss.
Spencer and Emily hooked up? Are they even old enough to be Clara's parents?


April was Autism Awareness Month, not May.


So it was a joke? I quit watching CM a few years back when their story lines got too grisly for even me. Prentiss had left the unit and Spencer was still mooning over a gal that he liked but that had been killed. So, forgive me if your love child statement caught me by surprise.
