Why tv shows...

usually make the victim an idiot or doing something really stupid. It makes the viewers hate the victim and cheer for the perpetrator. It also shows just how bad the writing is.....

i couldn't even stand that dumb American girl, i skipped like 20mins of scenes which she was in.


I feel terrible, because no one deserves to be treated that way, and I guess she was just naive. But I kept talking to my computer about it: "that's because you're an idiot, and believe everything they're telling you", or "yeah, Emir would really do these things to you", "why would you want to be with Emir if he was treating you this way?", "why aren't you questioning even one little thing?" and on and on. She was driving me nuts.

"Do you feel fortuitous? Well, do you? Hooligan?"


I have to agree that I actively hated this girl this week. I mean come on what kind of stupid girl believes all that crap. The first thing my mum ever taught me was right from wrong. I can understand wanting to kill someone if they actually killed someone you love and you know without a shadow of a doubt that they did this but killing a bunch of innocent people with a bomb how does that help. And the ending where they all stood by the car and sighed in happiness that she was home with her parents without any punishment at all, is that really the right message to send to teens these days with this sort of thing happening in real life come on. That's just bad story telling,
