Running of the bulls episode

I'm confused -- or maybe I just missed something. Let me preface my remarks by saying the one thing I liked and 'appreciated' for want of a better word, was that this ep brought to light the horrific animal abuse involved in bullfighting. People are not aware of this. And since I am an avid, vocal, vegan animal rights activist/advocate, I'm hoping viewers now will perhaps give some thought to this barbaric activity.

That being said, back to the question. If the point was that the victims were tortured in the same way that the bulls were, why was the victim who was an animal rights advocate killed? Why was the father of the guy, the one who confessed to the priest and was ultimately arrested, killing these men? Didn't he supposedly own a bull farm?


The animal rights activist was killed because he saw the running of the bulls as a way for spaniards to make money and not as a respectful act. They killer felt he was being disrespected.


Thank you! I feel sort of dumb that I didn't figure this out by myself. I guess I should've given it a little more thought.


The family had been highly respected breeders. Animal activists had released the family's bulls and two people were gored, resulting in the highly prized bulls being destroyed. I've been working in animal welfare (I'm an advocate, not an activist) and rescue for 15 years and I will be the first to say activists often do far more harm than good. They jump on the bandwagon for some crazy stunt with no knowledge of the situation. Several years ago a group decided that the agriculture dept of a college was abusing the pigs because during the day, especially in summer, the pigs were confined to stalls in a dimly lit barn with a mist/sprinkler system, so they broke in and released them. All of the pigs died. If they had taken the time to actually find out what was going on they would have known that pigs do not sweat and are highly susceptible to heat stroke, so in summer they get to go outside at night and are kept in cool areas during the day.


I don't disagree with you. As an activist, I am very careful about which animal rights organizations I belong to for exactly the reasons you indicated.
