I like Miley BUT

I don't think her acting chops are strong enough to conform into Woody Allen style acting. He's very stylistic and she just sounds like she's reading off the page or almost high school play like. Really stands out like a sore thumb. I appreciate the "out of the box" casting choice but it just didn't pan out this time. It's a shame because Miley has a lot of potential. Just not quote there yet.


Yeah I wish she had done more acting before taking this role.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Wasn't she a childhood actor. I believe that she has lots of experience, she just simply can't act and her nasal voice and southern? accent just doesn't work here.


I was actually OK with Miley, and normally her constant, face and tongue-wagging presence everywhere makes me want to set fire to something. She did a good, not amazing, job.

Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -

